-- Chapter Thirty Three --

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     When they arrived to their hotel, Evangeline couldn't believe where she stood. The tall building was covered in gold and silver, chandeliers hung everywhere, eliminating the extravagant place.

She's never been in a place like this. It was so clean. The floors were spotless and she swore she could see her reflection in them when she looked down.

"Peter will have to meet with Nick." Dimitri instructed. Causing Evangeline to turn to him and raise a brow in his direction.

"He will?" She asked

"They need to discuss the plan. You and him must stay here." He says, pointing between her and Clint.

Evangeline scoffed. Taken back, she had to wonder why. However, she guessed it gave her and Clint some time alone, some time for them to talk.

"I—I'll be fine. And I'll be back soon. Hey, you guys could go to the carnival." He says, pointing to the sign beside them. Evangeline eyed Peter for a few seconds before signing.

"That does sound fun." She says.

"Great." Clint nodded. He grabbed their bags and headed towards the desk to find their room.

Dimitri had disappeared, leaving Peter and Evangeline standing in front of each other.
She smiled softly at him. Despite her worry and fear about what was about to go on, she had faith in them that they would be able to defeat this Elemental and save this city. And then, would they finally be able to actually enjoy their vacation.

"You'll be okay, right?" She asked, looking at him with a serious look. He smiled, adjusting his backpack on his back, he nodded.

"I'll be fine. As long as you stay out of danger. I've got this." He said.

Evangeline raised a playful brow, his voice thinned as he spoke and he shifted on his feet. The boy clearly nervous.

"You got this." She nodded to him. Moving forward, she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head in the crook of his neck. Peter held her tightly.

"I'll keep you updated." He says, when he pulled apart from her, he grabbed her hand and placed something in her palm.

Looking at the ear pice, Evangeline nodded in understanding and quickly placed it in her ear. Before he turned to leave, he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and turned to leave. Just then, Clint had come up beside her, their room key in hand.

"You okay?" He asked, noticing the way she watched Peter leave the hotel. Her face full of worry.

She sighed and nodded. But then as she turned to Clint, she smiled. "The carnival does sound fun." She says.

Clint scoffed a little as he led her towards their rooms. "Sure. I guess."

"We could ride the..." Evangeline'a face scrunched up, forgetting the word she was meant to say. Sometimes, between the French and English, and all the other languages she knew, her speech got tangled and confusing.

"The big spinning wheel thing...you know?" She said, rolling her eyes when Clint laughed at her.

"The Ferris wheel?"

"Oui. That's it."

"Sounds like a plan." He laughs. Evangeline smiled, her excitement spilled and took over her fear. However, since she knew something was going to happen tonight, she tried not to get too excited.

Upon entering their room, Evangeline quickly made a plan to change into something else for the night. Grabbing her shoot case, she shuffled through her options and ended up picking something that looked nice, yet was easy to move around in case she had to do any fighting—which was most likely, knowing their luck—so, before leaving, she made sure to have her guns and knifes on her person.

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