- Chapter Four -

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For a few weeks after Evangeline had told Clint about her hunt, she had finally tracked the evil man down and she wasn't about to wait any longer to bring him to the ground

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For a few weeks after Evangeline had told Clint about her hunt, she had finally tracked the evil man down and she wasn't about to wait any longer to bring him to the ground.
Her soulmates had noticed her distance. Of course they all tried to get her to talk to them, but she pushed them away and told them she was fine.

But that didn't stop them from worrying about her.

Each of them had collectively decided that it was time to talk her. An intervention of sorts was planned and tonight, they would all discuss their worries and concerns. It was time their soulmates got the help she needed.

However, as Tony Stark made his way to her room to collect her, he took notice at how empty it seemed to be. With a raised brow, he turned and headed into the small library he's only ever been in a few times.  It was her space and she spent her alone time in there when she got too overwhelmed or stressed. The place was much like his lab.

Shaking his head, he pushed the blue door open. The room, empty.

"Jarvis, is Evangeline anywhere in the tower?" He asked out loud to his AI.

'Evangeline left the tower all of an hour ago' he informed him.

"Shit." Tony muttered as he rushed over to find the others.

"She's not here." Tony announced as he came into the common room. 

"What?" Sam asked

"Did you check the——"

"Obviously." Tony snapped at Steve.

"How about—-"

"Jarvis said she left the tower an hour ago. How did she get out without any of us seeing her?" Tony asked, no one in particular. His hand brushed through his hair as he looked between the others.

"We should go look for her. Half of us out there and the rest here, in case she comes back." Stave said as he stood up from his seat. The others not their head in agreement as they start to do the same. However, Peter noticed how Clint sat still.

"You're staying here, then?" He asked the bowman.

Clint blinked as he looked up at Peter. He shook his head. "No....I—-I"

"What is it?" Natasha asked, noticing the look on her friend's face.

"I might have an idea of where she could've gone." He said, his hand rubbed the back of his neck as he looked between the others with a guilty look upon his face.

"What did you say, birdman?" Tony asked

"Look, she told me not to tell you guys—-"

"She could be in danger." Bruce said, trying to calm his racing heart.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked

"She's been looking for Zola. She wants to take him down—-on her own—"

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