-- Chapter Thirteen --

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An hour or so later

"Enjoying yourself?" Past the sea of people, and in a secluded area of the room, Evan had escaped so she got a chance to be by herself. Her mind as quite as it can be. No one else around asking her random and weird questions.

As she leaned up against the clod wall, the hair on her arms stood up as she realized she wasn't exactly alone. Turing her head, across the small shadow, she could see the figure of someone.

Unsure what to do, she answered simply. "I am. And you?" Her voice was calm. She didn't want to cause a scene. Her soulmates were worried about her enough all ready.

Whoever was hiding, filled the silence with their laughter. Footsteps could be heard as they walk towards Evangeline. Their face appears out of the dark.

"Yes. I am having a great time. Tell me, what's it like...having all those soulmates?"

Evangeline knitted her brows together, her heart speed increasing as he got closer. His brain filled with unthinkable thoughts. Ones that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Who are you?" She asked, demandingly. Her hand slowly touching her hip, where she could easily get her gun and knifes. Her other hand ready to attack.

"None of your concern. I just want to know, do they love you, your soulmates....? Do they know what you've done?"

Evangeline's face twitched. Who was this guy? What did he want? Evangeline couldn't find it in his brain as she searched for those answers. It was too filled with his crude thoughts. And she was just a little afraid and frozen in her spot to focus.

"Who are you?" She's asks.

He laughs. "You'll know soon enough. Bye for now." Before she could do anything, he is gone. And Evangeline is left standing there. Her hands start to shake. Her fear grows. Her worry over flows.

"There you are."

Evangeline blinks back, unsure who's even in front of her, she shakes her head to clear her mind. "Sam." She says, when she takes a breath.

"Yeah, are you okay?"

Evangeline smiled and nodded. "I—I'm fine. Come on...let's go back—"

"All right, hold on." He says. Evangeline raised a brow, but when he suddenly brings her body closer to his, she smiled and wrapped her arms around waist. Their foreheads touch and Evangeline could hear everything going in his mind so clearly. She blushed and looked down at his lips.

It wasn't long before their lips connect.

And when they finally pull apart, they're both breathing heavily, smiles on their faces as they share a look with one another. Evangeline breaks into a small laugh and Sam shakes his head at her, an half amused smile on his warm face.

"Now we should head back. Someone is probably looking for me." Evangeline says. Sam nodded and grabbed her hand, and together they headed back to where the party was.

Since it was a little later, guests were starting to leave and so there were less people around. As they made their way, Sam had disappeared to go get them drinks. She found herself at the pool table, where it was now Pietro, Peter, and Steve. And eventually everyone else.

Evangeline had noticed someone missing and she had asked Steve where Bucky was. The captain had told her that Bucky had needed some space. And to tell her that he was sorry for ditching. She made a mental note to go check on him after the party.

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