- Chapter Nineteen -

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"Tony, what's going on?" Evangeline asked, watching though the big window as the doughnut shaped ship hurtled towards something in the distance. She felt it shake, she felt it rumble. She moved closer to Peter. Holding his arm tightly.

"I think we're here." Doctor Strange says. Standing by Tony.

"Yeah. I don't think this rig has a self-park function."

Tony turned to Peter. "Get your hand inside the steering gimbal." He tells him. "Closes these around it."

"What am I supposed to do?" Evangeline asked. Looking worriedly towards the two. They share a look. Tony uses his free hand and lightly pushes her towards the doctor. The man uses his magic to creat a shield around them.

"Brace for impact." Tony announces.

As the ship shook and shook, Evangeline held herself steady as it came closer towards the ground. Once it landed roughly, she turned to Tony and Peter.

"You two all right?" She asks, sighing in relief when they seemed to be okay. Peter came back to stand beside her. "Suis-je vraiment sur une autre planète en ce moment?" Am I really on another planet right now? She muttered, still flabbergasted at the mere thought.

She looked to Peter, who seems to be destructed but something in the distance.
Shaking his head, he turned back to the three.

"Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something...and I eat one of you, I'm sorry." Peter says.

"I do not want another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand? Angie, tell him."

"Right, but what I think he's trying to say is that something is coming..." Evangeline says, and at that moment, a small ball rolls their way. And in an instant, Evangeline is blown back and lands harshly. Evangeline let's out a breath. Leaning up on her elbows, she watched as a group of beings enter the ship.

"Thanos!" They yell, throwing another ball their way. It lands in Evangeline's path and she is thrown back again. Groaning, she grabs the lobe of her ear and shakes it, trying to get the ringing to stop. She was getting tired of being blown up and shot at. Maybe she shouldn't have gotten on the ship.

Then again, it wasn't even her fault she was on it to begin with. She decided from here on, she would just stay home with her books.

"Ah! Please don't put your eggs in me!" " She hears Peter shout from the other side of the ship. Looking up, she sees Tony and the Doctor is busy and since there was no one near her, she quickly made her way over to him. Only to be stopped by the strange creature that stands in front of them.

"I can read your thoughts and mine." The creature says, giving Evangeline a strange look. The French girl could only stand still, looking at her with an equally confused stare. She could read her thought, it was like a weird mirror, double the thoughts.

However, as the creature slowly moved closer, Peter shot out his arm and webs her up. Stopping her. Then, before she's knocked down, Peter pushed her to the side and he is kicked down. Evangeline groaned and stood up quickly. She watched with wide eyes as the guy threw something at Peter and sent him flying to the ground.

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