- Chapter Eight -

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A week later

——————A week later —————————

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The tower was quiet. The world was quiet. Things settled down after the Avengers took care of Ultron. Despite all that had happened, the one thing...person...brought them all together.

That one thing, however, was laying immobile in a bed in a room. The beeping machine was the only thing that told them she was still alive.

It was a miracle, really. They were bitterly thankful that she had the power that potentially saved her life that day.

With the amount of hits she took, everyone was amazed that by the end of the day she was still standing. That she was willing to put herself into more danger in order to save a little boy. Which, she did. Thanks to her soulmate. Who only got shot at a few times when he quickly ran to push her out of the way. It was nothing to how many she got.

They were all amazed.

They were all worried.

When Steve and Pietro managed to get both boy and their soulmate on board, there was barely a pulse. He was sure she was going to die; he was sure they were never going to get a chance to get to know one another, especially after they just found each other.

He stayed by her side the whole time. Refusing to let her go until the others practically pulled him off her.

Everyone was in a frenzy. Calling every doctor they knew and ordering them to do everything the could in order to make sure she woke up. Whatever it took.

It was like she was taken again. Everyone at each other's throats; for she was the glue that held the together.

She was one of the many casualties of Ultron. When she would wake up, two of her soulmates will be no where in sight. With Bruce MIA, and Thor looking into the word on the infamous Infinity Stones...they weren't sure how she would react. Upset, sure. Angry, possibly.
Sad, most definitely.

"How is she?"

Turing his head slightly, the white haired boy watched as the Black Widow makes her presence known. Leaning on the door frame with her arms crossed over her chest, her eyes bounce from each machine attached to her soulmate.  The beeping—again, filling the silence.

"The same." He answered, with his thick accent. His leg shook anxiously as he turned back to look at her lifeless form. They've said possibly two words to one another. He barely got a chance.

Slowly, Natasha walked in. Her heart hammering in her chest as she inches closer and closer. She moved the chair that leant up against the wall and moved it to her soulmates other side. She sat down, crossing her less over one another and rested her hands in her lap.

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