-- Chapter Twenty Two --

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For obvious reasons, the way the group meets Scott is going to be different. And, for the sake of Evangeline, Tony doesn't really end up with Pepper and there for they don't have Morgan ( even though she's the cutest and I love her 3000 )

So Tony is just going to be living alone in the woods when they go to recruit him.

Thanks for reading and enjoy!!!



F I V E    Y E A R S   L A T E R




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     Five years. That's how long it's been. The world was cut in half. The world wasn't like it used to be.

Over time, they went their separate ways. They had nothing to connect them. The glue that kept them together, was gone. And so sthey didn't need to be together anymore. They moved on.

Or, at least, they tried to.

Just like the others in the world. They tried to move on. Adapt to the new way of life that was forced upon them. A new hell.

The screen in front of Natasha Romanoff was recently shut off. The other that worked around the world disappeared after their scheduled meeting. She let out a shaky breath. Her hands shook as she tired to keep it together. It's been getting harder and harder to.

Natasha was once the kind of person who preferred to be alone. She worked better that way, and in hindsight, it was easier to not have to worry about anyone but yourself. Especially in the type of field she was in, which now, seemed like a life time ago.

She'd changed over the years. And she wanted nothing more than the comfort of her soulmate.

She let out a shaky breath. Her trembling hands moved to her face. Covering her eyes, she briefly embraced the darkness. Until she heard a noise in the distance. Taking a small breath, she wiped her stray tears and calmed herself. She looked over to the side, Steve Rodgers stands. Leaning against the shelf.

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