-- Chapter Twenty Three --

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Tony Stark sighed as he walked out of his house. The view in front of him never ceased to amaze him. The lake, the sky, the quiet; he knew for a fact Evangeline would've loved to move to a place like this. Away from the city life. He knew the others would follow too. No doubt about it.

It was quiet here. The only sounds were those use of the birds and the water. And the forest life. He thinks, this had been one of his better ideas. To move out here.

He thought it would help him move on. Like he's sure the others had. But he was wrong. Because when he wasn't thinking about her when he was awake, his dreams betray him and he was forced with memory's of her.

She never left him. She was everywhere.

Shaking his mind clear of thoughts about Evangeline, Tony sighed and turned his head to the side, suddenly hearing the sound of a car, he watched as it pulled up the forest driveway. It came to a stop, and he almost couldn't believe his eyes at the sight of who piled out one by one.

Scoffing lightly to himself, he shook his head and headed into his home, mumbling a few curse words to himself, he grabbed a few cups and the blender—he just finished making a smoothie—and took it outside.

They stood on his porch. Eyes staring right at him. He looked at them, waiting for some type of explanation. And when he got one, he wished he had turned them away.


"No. Look, we know it sounds like." The one named Scott stammered.  Tony had remembered him from the That one dinner. The one that turned large and small. It was impressive, he wasn't going to lie and say that it wasn't. But there was only one interaction and nothing more. He barley knew this guy.

Despite that, Tony listened to the ant-man's story. And he was right, It did sound crazy. But maybe, just maybe, crazy enough.

"Tony, after everything you've seen, is anything really impossible?" 

Steve Rodgers. The amount of times Evangeline had held them back from killing each other. If it wasn't for her, there was no telling who was going to kill who first. He was glad though, that they had separated. It made him rethink everything. It made him see the man in a different light. But that doesn't mean he still didn't push his buttons. Even after all these years.

"Quantum fluctuation messes with the Planck scale..." Tony says, "which then triggers the Deutsch Proposition. Can we agree on that?" He handed the soldier a cup and sat down.  "In layman's terms, it means you're not coming home."

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