- Chapter Two -

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Evangeline was quick to exit the tower. She was too riled up to stay there. Her mind raced and her heart beat fast in her chest as she wondered the streets.
She knew she probably should've left a note or something. So that her soulmates didn't worry about her. But she knew that Jarvis would most likely tell them that she was else where and not in the tower.

Evangeline knew she was pushing her soulmates away. She knew that they were just trying to help her but deep in her mind she knew that she was too far gone and that she couldn't be saved. The weight of her own self guilt sat heavily on her shoulders, holding her down.

She wondered how it was possible that they all still loved her. After everything's she's done—-or was forced to do—- maybe she really didn't deserve them all. 

Evangeline shook her head as she turned the next corner. She probably should head back to the tower. It was getting dark and she could feel the worry coming from her soulmates. However, she didn't want to. She didn't want to go back and face them after the way she's dismissed them.

She felt too ashamed of herself.

With a sigh, Evangeline tucked into an alleyway. It was quiet, and it seemed empty enough. She walked over to the brick wall and leaned up against it. Hiding herself from prying eyes.

What was she doing?

Why was she out here alone where possible HYDRA agents could easily grab her? This was stupid. She really should get back to the tower. She was done being alone. She didn't need to be. She had her soulmates to think about.
She was strong. She can't show weakness.

With a groan, Evangeline pulled her self up and stood straight. However, with a small grunt, she used all her frustration and gave the wall a punch. One that didn't really do any damage to the wall, but her hand shook and she could see small scrapes as they started to lightly bleed.

Wall 1 Evangeline 0.

Shaking her head, she put her bleeding hand in her pocket and took a calming breath before heading back to the tower.


Evangeline held her breath as she entered the moving death trap. It smoothly moved upwards and dinged once it reached the designated floor. Letting out a sigh of relief, she quickly exited and entered the common room.
She took notice at how empty it was and wondered where her soulmates could've gone. With a raised brow, she walked towards the bed room and saw no one.

Turning on to her left, she made her way towards Tony's lab. She saw him through the glass and smiled faintly as she noticed him working.

Hesitantly, she reached for the door and pulled it open. Heading her, Tony looked up at her. "Angie." He said, a small amount of relief filled his words as she walked slowly towards him. He stopped working and wrapped her up in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled. She pulled apart from Tony and looked to the ground. She heard Tony sigh as he used his fingers to make her look up at him. He noticed how tired she looked.

"We're just worried about you—"

Evangeline sighed as she stood back. "I know. Je suis désolé." (I'm sorry)

Tony brought her in for another hug.


(A few days later)


Evangeline was out again. She hadn't known why, but when she woke from a dream or a nightmare, she would find herself wondering outside. Alone.
It was a weird thing for her to do. For she's never done anything like this before.
Before. Before she was taken again. Before she was used as a weapon like her lost soulmate.
The first time she was free, she had gotten used to the feeling of freedom. She was finally happy and with her soulmates. They made her feel alive. She was no longer trapped. No longer in constant pain. Physically....anyway.

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