-- Chapter Fifteen --

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Somewhere in Russia

      Evangeline bit the inside of her cheek as she tried her best to hold in a scream. Chase had come back and was doing everything that's been done to her since she was little. He's taken her blood, he's injected different things into her. She had lost count. She had lost—almost— all her strength. She didn't know how much she could take.

"My, my, i think it's almost time." The chilling voice of the man taunted as he wrapped her arm in a cloth. He had just taken more blood. She was dizzy, loopy. She could feel her heart fighting for it's self.  The want to be held by one of her soulmates caused her to silently cry.

Looking slightly up, she looked into his eyes, he smiled. "My dear, the remote." He says, turning to Daisy. She nodded and walked up to him, and handed him the tiny remote with the red button.

Evangeline's eyes widen. "No." She says, her words strong, despite her feeling weak.

He laughed. "You don't have a choice. I know it won't kill them, but it will slow them down."

"Do what ever you want to me, but please—-"

He smiled larger. "Hear that, Daisy? She's begging. Interesting."

Without a second thought, Evangeline watched as he pressed the button. Her heart sped up as she suddenly felt an overwhelming amount of anger. As he and Daisy laughed, the two disappeared. Leaving Evangeline alone to wonder if her soulmates were alive or not.



   It came out of no where. Tony had just been trying to locate Evangeline when he felt the building shake. The smell of smoke filled his nostrils and he immediately got FRIDAY to tell him what was wrong.

'The explosive went off, sir. The east wing is down.'

Quickly, Tony got his suit. Ready to head and see if everyone was all right. As he approached, he noticed Clint and Natasha. Passed out in the glass and rubble. And Vision, who was standing over Natasha, noticed Tony's presence and together the two lifted them and brought them out of the smoke. Carrying them to a safer place.

"What happened!" The erratic voice of Peter Parker exclaimed as he entered the room, having been just out of reach of the bomb, he heard the explosion and came rushing in.

"Daisy is what happened, she set off the bomb with intent to kill us!" Tony yelled, his voice muffled though his suit. Peter rushed to Natasha's side. Placing two fingers on her neck, he sighed in relief when there was a pulse.


Steve and Bucky rush in. Paper in hand. "We got a location." He says urgently. His Captain America suit already on. His eyes widen at the sight of Natasha and Clint.

"All right. Get these two on the jet. Let's go!" Tony yelled, carrying Natasha. Together, the Avengers head out to get their soulmate back.

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