--- Chapter Twenty Four --

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  The others arrived a few days later. Tony and Rocket the raccoon doing the handy work on the Machine, while others worked on the uniforms and other important details that were involved with this plan.

It was hard for Thor to come back. Despite his not wanting too, deep in his mind he had a feeling these buffoon's could actually pull this plan of theirs off.

He secretly wished it would work. He wished for anything to bring back his love. To bring back Evangeline. Anything was possible he had chanted in his mind.

It had been a dark couple years. Since Thor killed Thanos, he'd gone down a spiral. Not accepting that his love was gone. He barely had gotten to see her. He's missed her for so long, and now that there was a chance to bring her back, he decided that if this was the only way, then so be it.

Standing in front of the big machine, the God was impressed with how they managed to build it. However, he'd be more impressed if it actually worked.

"All right, Clint." The Bruce-Hulk called out. Thor had to admit, it was odd seeing the man like that, but he had gotten used to it. Sort of.

"We're going in three, two.....one."

The machine whorls on and in a flash, Clint disappeared.Then, after a short while of waiting anxiously, out of no where, he appears.

From a far, Natasha is quick to rush up to her friend. Crouching down beside him, she helps him up, "hey, hey, look at me." She calls out softly, "you okay?"

Clint looked around, stunned and out of breath.  His heart pounds in his chest. "Yeah. Yeah." He breaths out.

"It worked." He whispers towards Natasha.


"Okay, so the how works." Steve announces later. After the group migrated to the meeting room. The screen displayed the stones.

The others were still shocked at the fact it worked. Their minds raced with thoughts of Evangeline, Along with the plan. They needed to go use, but some could more than others.

"Now, we gotta figure out the when and the where." Steve continues, Turing to face everyone. "Almost everyone in this room has had an encounter...with at least one of the six Infinity Stones."

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