-- Chapter Twelve --

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   Evangeline smiled as she and Bucky entered the living room after getting dressed for the party

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Evangeline smiled as she and Bucky entered the living room after getting dressed for the party. Everyone was gathered around the bar, talking and chattering away. Her brother had his arms wrapped around her, Evangeline knitted her brows together, the image of her talking to that man popped into her mind.
Bucky noticed, how Evangeline had suddenly stopped walking, and turned to look at her.

"You okay?" He whispered

As if coming out of a trance, Evangeline blinked into focus and turned her head to her soulmate. She smiled. "Of course." She says. Bucky looked unconvinced, but nodded and the two continued their way.

"There you are." Sam says, smiling brightly when she approached him. "How's our girl?"

Evangeline felt as her cheeks suddenly got hot. Her light olive skin turned a shade of red. She smiled, "perfect." She says. Wrapping an arm around him. Turing away from him, she looks towards Daisy, and just as quickly, the blonde whispers something to Darian and disappeared.

Peter and Evangeline share a quick glance. Her stomach flipped as a weird feeling fluttered within her.

"All right people, party's begun." Tony announced, happily.

With a small sigh, she and the others headed to the main entertainment room. A big open space, much like the old one in the old tower. They had fixed it since Ultron.

As they did, people had just begun arriving. People Evangeline didn't even know, but as they filled the space, the girl couldn't help but close her eyes as her mind suddenly grew incredibly loud.

"You good?" A voice calls out to her. Sighing, Evangeline opens her eyes and sees Sam starring at her. A concerned expression etched his face.

"I wish everyone would stop asking me that." She mutters. Shaking her head. Sam only laughed. Rolling his eyes, he held out his hand. Raising a brow, she takes it and lets him lead her towards the bar.

Together they share a drink and conversation. Ignoring the others around them as they each get lost in the world together. 

"Uh, Angie?"

Hearing the sound of Peter, she turned to face him. His face slightly red and his eyes wide. Sam groans in annoyance as she shifts her attention to him.

"Can..can I, uh, talk to you for a sec?" He stuttered over his words, Evangeline found it cute when he did it when he was embarrassed, but how he said these words, they were filled with fear instead. Her worry spiked.

Turning to Sam, she gave him a kiss on the cheek and pulled Peter to the side so they were out of listening ears.

"What happened?" she asked, her hand resting on his shoulder. Her other hand holding a drink.

"I was just coming back from the washroom, right, and I was going to look for you, but then I saw there was a snack bar and got distracted, anyway, as I was there, I noticed Daisy talking on the phone. She looked like she was arguing with someone, and I tried to, uh, you know get closer so I could listen in—-"

"Dude, breath." Evangeline laughs, the kid was talking at the speed of Pietro. Evangeline laughs again at her inside pun.

Peter took a breath and continued. "Well, I didn't really hear anything because when I got close enough she had hung up already. But when she did, I think she saw me...I think she's on to us."

Evangeline shook her head. Taking a sip of her drink, she looked to Peter and said, "impossible. Okay? There's no way she even suspects anything. Relax Chéri."

"Okay. Yeah. You're right, right?" Peter took another breath, then laughed at him self. "Right." He repeated.

Evan smiled and gave him a peck on the lips. He smiled at her and the two headed back to Sam.

"Finally." Sam says, seeing the to come up to him. Evangeline rolled her eyes at him.

As she goes to say something sarcastic, suddenly, a clap of thunder sounds thought the building, and if Evangeline recalled the news this morning, there was no rain in the forecast, and Evangeline knew what that meant.

"The God is here." Sam says, noticing the smile on her face. Nodding her head, Evangeline excuses herself and moves past the sea of dancing people and towards the entrance. Smiling brightly as she walked towards him.

As he past by those around him, he kept his eyes on his soulmate. "Evangeline." He boasted.

Without saying anything, she quickly wraps her arms around him. Hugging him tightly, for she hasn't seen him in so long.

"My love, how have you been?" He asks, slinging his arm around her shoulders as they head to the bar.

"What are you doing back?" Evangeline a sales, getting herself another glass of champagne. Thor took out his flask of Asgardian ale and took a long sip. Sighing satisfied when done.

"Things have smoothed over, I think. And I just missed you...I am told your brother is here?"

Evangeline nodded. "Yes, he's over there playing pool with Bucky and Steve." She said, pointing towards the three.

"Ah, I might just go over and say hello. I will see you later?"

"Of course." She says, smiling, she lifts onto her toes and give him a kiss on his cheek. Thor smiled and turned away.


Turing her head at the voice, Evangeline sees Sam sitting in the chair beside her. He smiled to her and she turned to him. They continued their conversation, right were they left off as if no one had interrupted them in the first place.

The party was going smoothly. People laughing and chatting away, some often stopped to take a picture with any of the Avengers, gushing that they were in the same room as them.

When it got later, though she had been jumping from soulmate to soulmate, Evangeline had found herself becoming a little overwhelmed. Her social meter was dying and she couldn't help but want the party to be over.

But she continued on. Talking with those who interacted with her from time to time. She also couldn't help but notice how Daisy had disappeared. Her worry grew as she would share a glance with Peter every now and then, his thoughts the same as hers. However, despite their worry, everything was all right, and nothing was happening, and she was relieved.

Everyone was happy. And together.


Moving on from this..... the next chapter will be longer!

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