- Chapter Thirty One -

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(I just wanna say that Clint is still being Ronan and stuff, he's just taking some time off?? Lol okay.

Enjoy!! )

Evangeline, Peter, and Clint walk behind Nick Fury. Through a rubble tunnel. Upon getting closer, Evangeline could hear a mix of sudden thoughts and she bit the inside of her cheek, hating how full her head had gotten.
Clint turned to face her, seeing her hesitation a little, he reached over and grabbed her hand. She looked at him and gave him a small smile in thanks.

They continued walked in. The chatter got louder, as did the sounds of computers and such. Evangeline mused at how well Nick seemed to be everywhere and no where all at once.

"Over there," Nick said, nodding his head in the other direction, Evangeline smiled towards their old aquatints. She suddenly remembered that Peter's never met any of them before.

"We have Maria Hill. That's Dimitri." He continued, pointing to a man across from her. He sat, just loading up a few guns. He send a cold glare towards the new comers. Evangeline smiled tightly, not liking what was going through his mind right now. She moved forward.

"And over here." Nick says, pointing towards a taller man, Evangeline squinted her eyes, recognizing the bearded guy in front of them.
His mind was a calm one. Working fast, mostly he was focusing on his surroundings, and math equations.

"And this is Mr.Beck." Nick introduced. The man turned around, his cape dragged behind him as he turned to face them.

"Mysterio?" Peter questions,

"That's what their calling this guy?" Clint asked, quietly to Evangeline. She shrugged her shoulders. However, Mr.Beck had heard and questioned it, Clint shrugged his shoulders like Evangeline had.

"I don't know about Mysterio, but you can call me Quentin." He says, reaching out his hand, he shook theirs one by one. Peter, Clint's, then Evangeline's.

The man in questioned looked between the three, then, focused on Peter.

"You handled yourself pretty well out there today." He complemented, kindly. "I saw want you did with the tower. We could use someone like you on my world."

"Oh, thanks. Wait, I'm sorry. Your world?" Peter questioned. Evangeline raised a brow, waiting for an answer too. He didn't seem like an alien, and he had pretty much human thoughts. She could read them.

Having encountered a few, "out of this world" beings, she found her power didn't work on them.

"Mr. Beck is from Earth." Nick says.

Evangeline tilts her head, utterly confused and quite frankly, if she were to be honest, a little uncomfortable with the current situation.

"Just not yours." Nick tells them. The three share a look before turning to the man in front of them.

"There are multiple reality's, Peter. This is Earth Dimension 616 I'm from Earth 833." He explained.

"Hold up—"

"I'm sorry," Peter quickly instructs Clint, "wait. you're actually saying there's a multiverse? 'Cause I thought that was theoretical. I mean, that completely changes how we understand the initial singularity. We're talking about an eternal inflation system. And how does that even work with all the quantum—"

Evangeline quickly nudged his shoulder, he turned to her, confused, nodding her head, he then looked to the ones that starred at him. Unamused but his scientific rambling.

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