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I'm having this moment set after the trip, because after watching Far From Home, When Myistero exposes Peter it's a week after the whole incident so yeah.

Enjoy this last chapter!!


   Evangeline Miles woke to silence

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Evangeline Miles woke to silence. The room around her stood still as she sat up in her bed. Which, remained empty besides her. Knitting her brows together, she let out a soft sigh as she decided to get out of bed. Her silk nightgown dropped to the floor, her feet walked along the cold wood as she made her way into the kitchen.

She's surprised to see her soulmates already up and awake. And it even wasn't until now did she suddenly recognize the smell of breakfast that lingered in the air. Her mind immediately went to coffee and she smiled as soon as Peter walked over to her and handed her a fresh cup.

"Thank you." She says, softly. Welcoming the warmness the mug gave her as she held it. Moving to the island seats, she sits beside Bucky, who's reading the paper.

"Where's everyone else this morning?" Evangeline asked, seeing as it was only her, Peter, and Bucky around.

She wasn't going to lie to herself, she had missed her soulmates everyday and wished there was a way they could constantly be with her. But sadly, she knew that wasn't possible, because they all had very important jobs to do. She just wished their jobs were closer to home.

"Clint's with Sam, I have no idea what they're doing. Everyone else is else where, as usual." Bucky asked, shaking his head as he put his paper down. He slid it over to her, though, because he knew she likes doing the crossword puzzles.

Smiling halfheartedly, she took the paper and a pen and started doing the puzzle.

"So, you guys come up with a date yet?" The voice of Peter caused her to look up from her paper. She looked him over, his wounds still healing. Her's as well.

When they got home, she had to practically fight off her soulmates because they wouldn't leave her alone due to her injuries. Which, was crazy because Peter was in a far worse condition, physically and mentally.

She had demanded they have one or two days to them selfs to give Peter time to get over what happened. And, surprisingly, it had worked and Peter was back to normal.

"Not sure. I think we agreed to some time in the summer, right?"

Blinking back into reality, Evangeline turned to Bucky, who had spoken and was looking at her for conformation.
She honestly wasn't sure when she wanted to get married. However, what she did know, was that she wanted to do it sooner rather than later.

"Yeah. Summer sounds good. Early summer." She says, nodding her head before taking a sip of her coffee. Bucky nods along with her.

"Cool. What are you doing today Angie?" Peter asked, an apple in his hand. He took a bite, waiting for her answer.

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