-Chapter Thirty Five -

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I can't believe there's already like 50 parts to this story lol

Also, during the plane scene with Peter and Happy, I'm just gonna change it up a little....you know, cuz it's a AU fanfic


  Evangeline paced the hotels floor. She bit her fingernails as she tied to stay calm. Her mind raced and at the very thought of Peter, she worried even more about him.

They had searched the city. They had called him. But there was no sign of him and Evangeline could barely breath. She had no idea where her soulmate was. She had no idea if he was okay or not.

She called Nick and got no answer from him. And as each minute passes, her anxiety grows and she couldn't help but think of the worse.
She knew Mysterio was up to this. She had a feeling. A gut feeling about this guy and after what he'd done to them, to Peter, he was going to pay for it.

"Hey." Clint says, holding their bags in his hands, he sets them down and walks toward her. Easily taking her in his arms, he lets her sob into his shirt.

"I got a call from Happy. He has Peter."

Pulling apart from him, Evangeline looked up to him with red, puffy eyes. "What—"

"He went to Berlin. To get help, but then Mystero showed up. He's pretty messed up. Happy is on his way with a jet now." Clint explains. Rubbing her shoulders in a comforting way, she lets out a sigh of relief and falls into his chest again.

He Hugs her close. Closing his eyes, he rests his chin on top of her head. He was glad Peter was okay. He really was. This Beck guy needs to be taken care of, and fast. The bastard has created enough damage there needed to be.

Feeling his phone vibrate, Clint reluctantly lets Evangeline go and digs in his pocket and takes the device out. When he reads that Happy has arrived at the air port, Evangeline and Clint don't waist any more time to head in that direction.


The plane landed on a filed of brightly colored tulips.  Once the stairs extended, Evangeline was first to exit the plane. Watching with wide eyes as Peter limped towards them.

"Peter." She called out, worriedly.

As she stepped closer, Peter took a few back. He had looked like he got hit by a train. A large gash on his head, and clearly, his leg was hurt. Evangeline's blood boiled at the vary thought of Peter being in pain. She hated it.

When Evangeline was close enough to him,  she reached for him but he pulled away.

"Wait, wait,  please, tell me something only you would know." He says, looking at her with wary eyes.

Evangeline sucked in a breath. "Okay." She says, looking at Peter, she thinks quickly before saying, "remember when we're we're staying with your aunt May, and right when we started...you know...she walked in and said—"

"Okay, okay. It's really you." Peter whispered, not hesitating to pull Evangeline in towards him. She let out a breath and held him close.

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