- Chapter Twenty Six -

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Natasha and Clint's hearts beat rapidly. A soul for a soul. They share a look. Their minds thinking the same thing unbeknownst to either of them. A soul for a soul.

A twisted game, is what this was. A sick twist in fate that could've been avoided, if they were smart enough at the time. The monster sacrificed his own daughter. How he was able to do that and still, without hesitation, continue to destroy half the world, confused them to no end.

One of them was going to have to be it. It couldn't be both. In order to finish this, they had to choose. They had too. And time was ticking. Slower and slower.

"Maybe he's making this shit up...." Clint speaks, pacing the ground before her. The log Natasha sits on rocks as she moves. She looks towards her oldest friend. They had been though so much together. From S.H.E.I.L.D to finding their soulmate, they've been through thick and thin.

Each of them knew one other like an open book. Which, made things a lot more difficult.

Would you sacrifice yourself for the one you love? Not many would. And not many understood how they could, if given the opportunity.

It was weird, the concept of love was different for everyone. Not many got the chance to experience it. Not many got to feel it properly.

Natasha never thought she would get the chance. Her life, had been anything but Lovly. Sure, there were moments. But after, she's never thought of herself as the type of person to want it.

Then, she met Clint. And they had formed a relationship. It wasn't love love, but it was a variant of it. And she promised herself that that's all it would come too.

And then, she met Evangeline.

A broken former assassin running from her past, just like she had been. It was a miracle really. She let herself be open with her. The two would talk endlessly about their past, about what they've done. Sometimes it would just be Natasha talking, others, it would be just Evangeline.

She wondered if she was as open about her past with her to the others. She wondered if Clint knew things she didn't.

She could see the wheels turning his head. She's known the man long enough to read him like Evangeline would be able too.

Natasha had shaken her head, her heart beating in her chest. The sinking feeling never fades. "No, I don't think so." She said, finally. She looked towards Clint, his eyes already fastened on hers.

"Why. 'Cause he knows your daddy's name?"

Natasha shook her head again. Didn't he see it? Couldn't he realize the problem here?

"No." She says to him, "Thanos left here with the stone but without his daughter. It's not a coincidence."

They stair are each other. The stonekeeper watching from a distance. Wind blows lightly. Softly, despite the heaviness that fills around them.

Clint shook his head. The realization washing over him like a wave. Was this really happening? He thought to himself. He closed his eyes, shaking his head he opened them and looked to his friend. One of them won't be coming back.
It was right there. He knew. He saw it. But he really wished there was another way. A soul for a soul. Why couldn't it be something else. Why couldn't it have been someone else.

Him or her. She or he. Them, over Evangeline. It was inevitable. Set in stone. It was a pact they made. Her life over theirs. Always. He knew the others knew that. He knew that that's what would go through their minds as they make any decision right now. Them over her.

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