- Chapter Thiry Four -

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"So it's over?"  Maria Hill questioned, standing by Dimitri. While Evangeline stood by Peter, who had his arm wrapped tightly around her. She held onto his arm tightly, Clint right next to her other side.

The area around them still in flames. The after math of the fire monster was lucky not that bad. Evangeline was glad that nothing worse happened. That no one really got hurt. Especially her soulmates.

"That was the last of them." Beck says, clearly still trying to catch his breath, having taken the biggest hit. She had thanked him for saving Peter. And, she had used his tiredness to to and get into his mind again. Her feelings about the mysterious man were still unsure and wary. And seeing him in a vulnerable state, it was a little easier to get into his mind.

However, as she did, there was nothing out of the ordinary, and that alone, for some reason frustrated her.

"But not the last threat we'll ever face." Nick says. "We need to stay vigilant. There's a void in this world for someone like you. Hill and I are going to Eutropol headquarters in Berlin tomorrow. You should join us." He looked towards Beck.

He stood up and shook hands with Nick. "Thank you. I might just take you up in that."

Nick then turned and slowly walked over to Peter. Standing before him, Evangeline stood her ground beside him.

"You got gifts, Parker, but you didn't wanna be here." Nick says.

"Mr. Fury, I—"

"I'd love to have you in Berlin too. All of you. " He says, looking between the soulmates. "But you—" he looked towards Peter, and the words that fly out of his mouth next, cause Evangeline's blood to boil.

"You've gotta a decide whether you're going to step up or not. Stark chose you. He made you an Avenger. You're all Avengers. I need that. The world needed that. Maybe Stark wrong. Was he? The choice is yours." He looked to Peter one last time before walking away.

Evangeline bit the inside of her cheek. Anger filled her system as she watches the man walk away from them.

She feels Peter as he pulls away from her. She looks to him, though his mask, she could see his glossy eyes and her heart breaks.
As Beck stood up, he walked over to Peter, placing a kind hand on his shoulder, he offered a small smile. "Let's get a drink." He says, then turned and walked away.

Clint turned to Evangeline, who looked obviously furious. He watched her nod her head in the direction Beck walked in and Clint got the message and turned to follow the man, leaving Peter and Evangeline standing alone standing alone within the fire.

"Hey." Evangeline calls out to Peter, who's head was tilted to the ground. His mind had went from happy and proud thoughts to thoughts of sadness and regret. Evangeline wouldn't have it.

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