-- Chapter Twenty --

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A week later

    There was war, and then there was silence. Around the world, half the population disappeared. The snap, caused that. Thanos caused that.

Bucky, Sam, Wanda,Pietro, Peter...Tony..and Evangeline. They were hit. They were hit badly.

The earth was crumbling. The people, even worse. His team mates, his friends, his family, completely devastated. He couldn't believe it. He still continued to believe she was out there. Ignoring the others as they told him over and over again that she was gone. It was chaos. It was heartbreak.

No one knew how to cope. No one knew what to do. Nothing to this extent had ever happened before. And The Avengers failed to protect. They were done. Easily.

With a tiered sigh, Steve Rogers looked around the reading room. The room that belonged to Evangeline. Shelf's among shelf's were filled top to bottom with books.

Pictures covered the blue wall. Ones of everyone together and ones of Evangeline with everyone individually.

His eyes caught one of them. The roller costar at Cony Island was in the background. He remembered that day. Their first date together. She held Cotten candy in one hand as she turned away from the camera. She hated her picture being taken. He smiled lightly at the memory.

So much has happened since then. She's a different person in that picture. But all the same, she's someone he missed.

Hearing the sound of someone clearing their throat, Steve turns his head towards the door. Sighing again when he sees Natasha standing there. Her arms crossed over her chest as she stands up against the door frame. Her short, Blonde hair was something he was still getting used to.

"You okay?" She asks, her voice tough. Hiding behind the pain, her face betrayed her as it showed her true feelings.

"Honestly?" He says, looking to her.

She nods her head. Expecting an answer. Do I lie or just say what's on my mind? If Angie were here, she'd already know.

"Not really." He decided to say. Moving to the blue chair, he sits. His elbows rest on his knees. His best friend and his soulmate. Lost in the same day. It was like HYDRA all over again.

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