- Chapter Twenty Nine -

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A two days later

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A two days later

  Evangeline sat on the edge of the dock. A book in her lap, a wine glass at her side. The sun shines down onto her. She basked in the heat. Taking it in before it was taken away.

In the distance, she could see a group of ducks. Floating away with the current. She sighed, lightly. The words on the pages in her lap were long forgotten as she lets the quietness of her brain to take over. She smiled, a small smile. This was better than any reading room.


Letting out a small gasp of surprise, Evangeline turned her head towards the voice. She brighter up and smiled at them.

"Bucky." She says, watching him come towards her. Slowly, he sat down beside her. Their feet dangling over the edge. Cicadas hum throughout the silence.

"What's up?" She asks, after he hadn't said anything.

"Oh, well, the others were thinking of playing a game, or something, Peter called it Just Dance, or something....I was told to come get you."

"Oh," she said, "okay. But I think I'm just going to stay here for a while. Finish my book." She says, lifting it up to show him. He nodded. He lifted his hand and a brushed it through his lang, black hair. His beard was something she was going to have to get used to.

"Sure. They'll be fine without you." He says, "mind if I join you, though?"

Evangeline nodded. And from then on the two sat in silence. Evangeline continue to read.


"You can't hold it like that—"

"Oh, and why not..? I'll hold it how I want to."

The voices could be heard as Evangeline and Bucky finally made their way into the house. The two share a confused look, and continued their way towards the living room.

"Because if you hold it like that—"

There was loud crash after, Bucky cringed as they walk in and see Sam and Peter standing there, with equally wide eyes. To their right, A Nintendo switch controller was lodged into the Tv screen.

"He did it!" Sam and Peter shout, both pointing their fingers towards Bucky, who immediately raised a brow at the two.

Bucky's eyes widen in shock and disbelief, "I—I wasn't even inside." He muttered, shaking his head, he turns to Evangeline, who's smiles at the three.

"He did. I saw it." Sam says.

"I literally just walked in!"

"Yeah, and you threw the remote at the tv. Why? Why would you do that?"

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