- Chapter Thirty Six -

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Dorset Coast, United Kingdom


  The plan was in motion. Evangeline had woken up a few minutes ago. She listened in on Clint and Happy discussing what was going to happen.
She was worried. About all of this. She knew Beck was strong. With himself and his tech, there was no telling what he could do.
And by the way he had gotten Peter, she was scared that if they pushed it, something worse would come out of it.

But there were innocent lives at stake. And there were other places in the world that needed help. And that's why they were the only ones dealing with this threat.

"Okay. Fury's got the coded message." Happy says, coming back with his phone in his hand.

"Okay. So we all know the plan, right?" Clint asked, looking between the others. He noticed the worried look on his soulmate's face.

"Yes. We'll take to the streets and Peter will handle Beck. And once we get the signal from Peter, I will come and meet up with the two of you." Evangeline explains. Earning nods from the others in confirmation.

"All right. We're here. Let's get this done." Happy announced from the head of the plane.

Peter nodded, his suit on and ready to go. He quickly gave a kiss to Evangeline's cheek before he turned and left. The door opening go he could get out of the plane. He hung out the side, Evangeline watched him stay on the window.

"All right. Coms check." Happy says. "Can you hear me?"

"Yep. I can. It's a little loud out here." Peter calls out.
Evangeline adjusted the ear pice in her ears.

"I like the new suit by the way." Happy comments.

"Thanks." Peter said.

"Okay. Are we sure that's not real?" Clint asked, looking forward towards the storm clouds that surrounded the city. Thunder and lightning clashed and sounded through the air. Evangeline shook her head. She was sure it was fake.
Because what she experienced when taken by him felt like that was real. Even though it wasn't.

"Yeah, you know, it's just 100 times bigger than I expected." Peter says

"Then are we sure we still wanna—"

"Yeah. We do." Peter says, cutting Evangeline off. "We need to get high enough so Beck doesn't see me coming."

"Copy. Stay sticky." Happy says. The plane then goes higher.

"By the way, Happy—". Peter calls out, causing the man to answer.

"We need to have a serious conversation about you and my aunt!" His words trial off as he is pushed off the plane by wind. Evangeline raises a brow in his direction.

"You and his aunt?" Clint asks, with a mused look upon his face.

"I—it's just a causal thing nothings really—"

"You're a shit liar, Hogan." Evangeline says, with a smile.

Happy's face falls as he turned to Evangeline. "You know, I completely forgot you could read minds."

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