-- Chapter Foruteen --

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       Her hands were tied behind her back. With metal cuffs that made it hard for her to move, and to use her power quick enough. It was cold, where she was. But she wasn't shaking. Because she wasn't afraid. Was it sad, that Evangeline had gone through so much pain in her life that she just expected it? Probably. But Evangeline took that pain and used it against it's self. It made her stronger.

She was in some type of abandoned wearhouse, dust lingered the air and the high windows were covered with planks of wood and a white sheet. The chair she was in could easily be broken. If she used enough strength, she could used the back of her heal and kick the leg and break it. But she wouldn't do that yet.

She wanted whosever was behind this to show themselves. She wanted Daisy to show herself. She wondered if she was even Darian's soulmate. Because Evangeline couldn't even begin to imagine hurting any of her's. She would never. And she knew the other's felt the same. So, with that in mind, Evangeline wondered, if Daisy wasn't his soulmate, who was...if he had one to begin with...she never really knew how the whole thing even worked, but she hoped that wherever they were, that they were happy.

"Well, if it isn't the damsel in distress?" The voice that sounded the room was suddenly familiar to Evangeline, she watched from her squinted eyes as a tall figure came before her.

"I can only assume we'll be expecting a heroic rescue some time soon...of course, it'll take a while for them find you, my dear, so while I have you...let's get started, yeah?" As he talked, he moved closer towards her, reaching out his hand he grabbed her chin, holding her in place. He smiled, showing his yellow teeth.

"Daisy!" He yelled, right in her face. She flinched back. The soft clicking of heels sounded the room. Followed by the sound of something else Evangeline couldn't put her finger on.

"So," the man says, moving towards the cart Daisy brought in. Evangeline inwardly shuttered. Now knowing exactly what it was.

"I know you're probably all, 'oh why oh why is this happening to me ' " he says, his voice mockingly and dramatic. He laughed at himself, "well, I'll tell you. You know, it's quite a wonder why you have so many soulmates. The most I've seen someone have was five...and back then, that was crazy....but..in your case, it's just unheard of. It's selfish, really."

He reached over to the closest tool, which made Evangeline still. He smiled wickedly. "You must be punished for your selfish ways." He taunts. His voice full of evil. His eyes widen with joy as he brings the tool closer and closer to Evangeline's exposed neck. And not too soon after, did her party dress stain with her blood.

Her screams were only heard by the man who caused them and Daisy, who watched in the distance.


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