Chapter Six

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   Evangeline felt herself being pushed to the side

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   Evangeline felt herself being pushed to the side. She felt as she landed each shard of glass enter her body. She cringed at the light pain it caused. She turned, looking around her to see if she saw any of her soulmates. From the corner of her eye, she noticed Natasha and Bruce. She looked over to them, they looked over to her.

They nodded in understanding. Without hesitation, the three separated. Evangeline was able to take each hit that the flying robot threw at her. She could hear her name being called as she noticed doctor Cho cornered.

"Thanks." She muttered, as she watched Thor and tony take care of the robot. Evangeline gave her a curt nod.

"'Cap!" Evangeline heard from across the room. She watched as Clint threw Steve's shield, the super soldier caught it, and with a hart toss, it split the last robot in half. Sending it to the ground.

Evangeline let out a breath of relief.

Her body ached as she slowly made her way over to Tony, who sat on the stairs. She held his shoulder, he held her hand.

"Well, that was dramatic." Ultron says. Watching from afar. He walked towards the door. "I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world. Your soulmate. But you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve?" He walked, picked up a broken bot. "With these?" He laughed, "these puppets."

He tossed it aside. It clattered to the ground, right by Evangeline's feet. She stood up. Ready to raise her hand, however, Tony gently grabbed her arm, stoping her.

"There's only one path to pease. The Avengers' extinction." After his words, Thor immediately threw his hammer, it smashed right into Unlron, sending him into pieces.

They waited.

"I had strings, but now I'm free." The voice chants. "I had strings but now I'm free'

Evangeline sighed, things were about to get a little more complicated.



"All our work is gone." Bruce says. After all was said and done, everyone moved towards the lab. Evangeline stood beside Natasha as she took out random pieces of glass that were still in her skin. Her shot wounds were cleaned up and slowly healing. Her body aches, but all she could think about was the strange robot—Ultron. 

"Unerring cleared out. He used the internet as an escape hatch." Bruce continued.

"Unlton." Evangeline heard Steve mutter. She sighed.  Despite the pain, she stood up and walked towards Tony. Who stared down the robotic body. She reached to touch his shoulder but he pulled away.

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