- Chapter Seven -

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Later that night, when everyone seemed to be calm, Daisy and Darian had called everyone in for dinner. And after, when Evangeline had helped clean up, she moved to sit beside Natasha. They held hands under the table. She held tightly.

Her mind was whistling. It was heavy with assorted thoughts that caused her to feel all sorts of things. Her heart took it the worst as she thought about her two soulmates that ended up on the wrong side.

She wished with everything in her that she had more time to talk to them. To try and convince them that they weren't the bad guys. That they could help fix the mess that was accidentally made.

She just wanted everyone together. She wanted all her soulmates together. That's all she wanted.

However, despite that, Evangeline couldn't help but hate that the world was keeping that want from her.

That people from her past and present were in the way of the happiness that she wasn't even sure she deserved.

Nevertheless, it seemed impossible. And Evangeline wasn't going to stand for it much longer.

"My contacts all say he's building something." The voice of Nick Fury filled the room. The background chatter was distant as the others were scattered and the sound of children laughing filled the somewhat silence.

"The amount of vibranium he made off with," Nick continued, as the eldest Miles child came towards Natasha and Evangeline. They smiled brightly at her, accepting the picture she was handing them. Then she quickly ran off back to her father and mother.

"I don't think it's just one thing." He says, standing by the sink.

"What about Ultron himself?" Steve asked, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Oh, he's easy to track. He's everywhere." Fury said. "The guy is multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit. It still doesn't help us get an angle on any of his plans, though."

"Is he still going after launch codes?" Tony, who was playing darts across the room, asked.

"Yes, he is. But he's not making any headway."

"I cracked the Pentagon's firewall in high school on a dare."

"Well, I contacted our friends at the Nexus about that." Nick said.

"Nexus?" Steve and Evangeline aak in unison.
Never having heard that word before.

"It's the world Internet hub in Oslo." Bruce tells them. Speaking softly. "And every byte of data flows through there. Fastest access on Earth."

"So, what did they say?" Clint asked, fixing what looked to be a dart.

"He's fixated on the missiles. But the codes are constantly being changed."

"By whom?" Tony asked, just as Clint did in fact throw said dart right at the board, Tony moved his face just in time.

"Parties unknown." Nick said,

"Do we have an ally?" Natasha asked

"Ultron's got an enemy. That's not the same thing."

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