- Chapter Five -

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Age of Ultron
Age 27

          As the truck rumbled against the snowy ground below, Evangeline stood beside Clint, shooting arrows with her own set, attacking whatever robotic thing came flying at them

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As the truck rumbled against the snowy ground below, Evangeline stood beside Clint, shooting arrows with her own set, attacking whatever robotic thing came flying at them.
Too focused on the mission, the girl barely minded the cold the nipped at her skin.

Her all black outfit was soft on the inside, keeping her warm. Her weapons, at easy access.

Arrow after arrow, even with the power of all of them, it seemed that it was impossible to take the enemy down.

Who the enemy was, Evangeline honestly didn't really know. She was just following her soulmates and helping the best she could.

The past few months had been difficult. With learning to heal, Evangeline was still longing to find Bucky, and the rest of her soulmates.


Suddenly, with a strong force, Evangeline is lifted out of the truck and thrown onto the ground.

She landed with a grunt, but she was quick to recover as she rolls over and stands up.

Her arrows at her side as she quickly released one into the closest robot.

"Shit!" She heard over the intercom. Immediately, she knew who it was and almost laughed.

"Language! Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?"

Quickly, Evangeline used the last of her arrows on two army guys. "I'm out!" She says.

However, as another one comes up behind her, she quickly kicks him from behind and turned around. Holding out her hand, she twisted, and he was down in seconds.

"You don't even need arrows'". Steve said, with a small laugh.

"But I like using them!"

"We get it. Really. And by the way, "at long last is lasting a little long boys."  The voice of Natasha said.

"Yeah. I think we might've lost the element of surprise."  Clint muttered, after he shot an arrow at a guy that was coming for Evangeline.

She turned, having seen him behind the tree, and as quickly as she could she went to cover him.

"Wait a second. Is no one going to deal with the fact that Cap just said "language"?"

"I think we have bigger problems here Tony.
And besides, it probably just slipped out" Evangeline says. A smile on her face as she shared a look with Clint.

"It did" Steve says

However, suddenly, there's a flash and now, Evangeline feels as if her heart is about to explode.
While she's distracted, a blue flash appears and Clint is knocked down.

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