- Chapter Eighteen -

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"Hey, Angie, wanna——" 

"On it." She calls out, answering Tony, she knew what he was asking and dashed in the other direction. As Tony caught the big guy, she ran up behind him and raised her fist, twisting as she did, nothing had happened. Her power wasn't strong enough.

"Well, shit." She muttered.

"That's okay, uh, go get the kid, he's being beamed up." Tony yells.  Nodding, she runs as fast as she could towards the blue light.

"Angie!" She heard Peter yell as she ran down the street. The taller guy on the flying piece of rubble flew past her. However, he turned around and grabbed her. Evangeline screeched and tried her best to fight him off. But he was apparently stronger and as she suddenly felt the air getting thinner, only then did she realize that she was up in the air, and soon, they were in the circle.

Landing harshly on the ground of the ship, Evangeline caught her breath. Watching with wide eyes as the alien moved towards some type of machine.

'Pete, you gotta let go. I'm gonna catch you' Evangeline heard over the intercom. Evangeline could only guess that meant he followed them up here.

'But you said save the wizard! Plus, he has Angie!"

'Shit. We're too high up. You're running out of air.' Tony says.

'Yeah. That makes sense.'

Evangeline shook her head. Not liking the sound of what was going on. She looked to the alien. He walked towards her. Using his fingers, he gripped her chin. Forcing her to look up at him.

"Welcome to hell." He tells her.

Jokes on you, I've already been there. Evangeline thinks bitterly. Pulling her face away, she watched him walk away.

"I hope you guys know what you're doing" she says, hoping either Peter or Tony heard her. She also hoped the others weren't going to be mad at her. She knew they were expecting her back soon. And she knew they would be worried when she wouldn't be back.

All Evangeline wanted today was a nice walk in the park.


Avengers compound

   Bruce slowly walked further into the Avenger's compound. His mind racing as he made his way deeper into the place. The group of people he used to know stood gathered around. He wondered if they knew yet. He wondered when they moved here. He wondered what had happened to the tower.

He also thought of Evangeline. How she was probably if the ship with Tony. Knowing her. He was worried when she didn't come back. He knew the. He had to go to the others.

"Wow..." Bruce recognized the voice of Rhodey echoed thought the hall way. He could hear Steve and Natasha as well as he got closer and closer.

"Wow. You guys...look like crap." Rhodey says, looking between everyone. "Must've been a rough couple years. I head about Evangeline and her brother. I hope she's okay." He says.

Bruce didn't know what he was talking about. But he assumed it had something to do with what she said to him earlier. "Would it help if I told you I got kidnapped again?"

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