Chapter 10~ Mending Ties

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Mending Ties


The bass music sounded, as the dim lights of the bar illuminated the rather quiet night.

A small group of patrons strolled in and out but the weekday crowd at Donahue's was never overwhelming. Reggie mended the bar contently, humming to himself as he poured Blue's group a drink.

It had been a long shift at work, managing difficult patients and herding around interns, and the second year residents just needed a night to unwind. So, Blue, Sienna, Jackie, along with Kyra, had agreed to unwind at Donahue's for a game of pool.

"Thanks, Reggie." Blue said as the bartender placed all the drinks her group wanted on a tray for her to carry back. "No problem. You look a lot healthier as compared to about few months back." Reggie noted, noticing how her emeralds were shining with life once again, and her hollowed out cheeks were now a little fuller.

It had been almost four whole months since Ethan had come back from the Amazon, and Blue knew that he was the main reason why she had gotten healthier again. He was the one making sure that she ate well, rested well even though he tried not to make it obvious. Though their personal relationship or whatever it was, was far from normal or conclusive, they were in a much better place as compared to before, and have continued to consistently open up to each other.

"Yeah, I guess things have been a little better, but thanks for taking care of me when they weren't, Reggie." Blue replied smiling geniunely at the Jamaican bartender. "Hey, none of that. Ethan cares about you, and you're a great person as well, it's the least I can do for a friend." Reggie responded giving her shoulder a friendly squeeze.

With a last grin at him, Blue took the tray of drinks back to her friends who were still playing the game. She joined then once again, only to keep losing her focus while playing. She kept zoning out, thinking of a million other things that were plaguing her mind.

"And that's why they call me Dr. Sink!" Sienna exclaimed as she pocketed one of thr ball successfully. "Nice!" Kyra said, her dark eyes lightening up with excitement. "That shot sure, but that name is terrible." Jackie teased. "Tch, haters." Sienna joked, playfully rolling her eyes.

She took her time lining up her next shot, concentrating as she stuck her tounge out between her teeth endearingly. "Aw, poop." she sulked as she ended up missing the shot.

This time, Jackie bent down to line up a shot, slamming the white ball across the table so hard that it nearly skipped over thr edge.

"Whoa...what did the ball do to you?" Blue asked a little surprised. "Sorry. It's...been a day. I had to spend an hour and a half with a patient who had been dealing with serious abdominal pain for a month at home. She only came in at all because her neighbour found her in the hallway, writhing on the ground." Jackie replied, angry and frustrated. "Is she okay, now?" Blue asked. "She's alive. But she'll have a few less feet of intestines than she would have if she's just gotton over her weird hangups and came in when the stabbing pain started." Jackie replied.

"That poor woman. I can't even imagine suffering in silence for that long." Sienna remarked, taking a sip of her club soda. Jackie shrugged in response as she lined up her next shot. "What about you, Blue? Another day in paradise?" she asked.

Blue sighed as she took a seat on one of the high stools. "Honestly, I can't stop thinking about how Mass Kenmore poached our research grant. And I hate that I'm pissed at Stephanie too even though she was just doing what she felt was best for her." she replied, remembering how she had poured out all of those to Bobby when she had broken down on the curb just outside the hospital.

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