Chapter 11~ Fair Game

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Fair Game

"I'm going to tell you once and only once to step away from my resident..."

The late afternoon sun bathed down on them as the four players from Edenbrook neared the stadium.

Blue and Ethan seperated their hands just as they rounded the corner, and were immediately hit by the smell of hot dog wafting through the air.

It was relatively busy in the stadium, doctors from both hospitals, clad in light blue and orange uniforms, either practising on the sides or enjoying hot dogs and beer.

Just as they stepped foot onto the field, a familiar silky deep voice interupted them. "Ethan. My god. You are the last person I expected to see here tonight."

The group of Edenbrook doctors turned to see Tobias Carrick sauntering over to them from the Mass Kenmore group of doctors. He was wearing a bright orange uniform which Blue personally felt looked ridiculous, and a matching 'MK' cap. Though the colour was terrible, his golden hazelnut eyes popped out, making the outfit work for him. He was a handsome man after all.

However, his aura was evidently nothing compared to the atmospheric field Ethan had introduced onto the stadium as every pair of eyes, whether they belonged to Edenbrook or Mass Kenmore did not matter, as they were all on him. Taking in his towering figure with his taut and defined muscle lines peeking through his sports attire. The colour of his jersey did full justice to his striking aquamarine eyes, a twenty-first century greek god in modern attire. Despite the overwhelming eyes on him, Ethan did not seem fazed in the slightest as he stared back at his old friend almost harshly.

Aurora was trailing behind Tobias, and when she spotted Blue over his back, she rolled her eyes at her boss, before mouthing a 'Sorry' to Blue whom just smiled in return. None of them wanted to be caught up in the drama between both of their bosses anyway.

"Worried?" Ethan asked cooly, crossing his arms as he stood up straight to his full height, two inches taller than Tobias. The latter looked up at him with an unreadble expression at first, but soon his lips curled into a charming smirk. "Nope, I'm thrilled. This'll make the victory that much sweeter." he replied.

His golden gaze shifted to Blue, lightening up at the sight of her. "Didn't take you for a softball girl either, Dr. Hunter. You look adorable." he said, gesturing to her orange locks that were tied into pigtails. She felt Ethan visibly tense up next to her at his words, and her emerald pools gazed up at the Mass Kenmore attending with a blazed fire. She was still incredibly pissed with what he had done with Stephanie's case, and all the mock pleasantries was the last thing she wanted to exchange with the man.

"Didn't take you as someone who played dirty and cheaply to one up someone over an immoral competition either, but look where we are?" she seethed, making Tobias raise an amused eyebrow. "This will be an interesting night. I'll see you on the field, Hunter." Tobias replied, shooting her a practised wink. "Bastard." she heard Ethan mutter as Aurora gave her a small wave before following behind Tobias back to the orange Mass Kenmore crowd.

Blue watched as Ethan's eyes followed Tobias, his darkened blue penumbra eyes burning almost physical holes on his back with the intense glare he was wearing. "You okay?" she asked him softly, and she immediately saw the aquamarine shade coming back into his orbs as she spoke. The shade of blue which always appeared only when he was with her. He nodded gently, sighing as he ignored the crowd of orange.

He knew that Tobias was trying to get under his skin. For what reason he was using Blue to do that? He did not know. Maybe it was because she was his protege, surely he would not know the full extent of his relationship with her did he?

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