Inexorable Conclusions
"No matter what you choose, no matter where you go after this, I'll always love you. Please remember that."
_______________________________________It was the next day, and Blue was strolling into Edenbrook, her back sore from the extra long shift at the free clinic just the day before.
She knew that it was normal to feel drained out after a long shift, but for some reason, the mental exhaustion that came with the ticking clock of Edenbrook's closure, was definitely not helping the situation. Disposing her empty cup of coffee into the dustbin right outside the entry, Blue stepped into the hospital only to double-take.
The free clinic had expanded all the way into the atrium, every corner of the room almost filled to the brim, just like the other night at the gala. However this time, it was filled with anxious patients instead of smug donors.
"Coming through!"
Blue stepped aside just as Marlene pushed a gurney towards the free clinic. Still a little bewildered, Blue moved through the throngs of patients, doctors, and nurses to reach the clinic. She spotted Ethan immediately, his height giving her the advantage of catching his head over the crowd, and she briskly moved over to him.
"Care to explain the atrium takeover--Whoa!" she asked, stumbling a little as a group of nurses bumped into her accidently, quickly muttering their apologies before resuming their work.
Ethan caught her by the arm, pulling her towards him, away from the crowd. "The other departments have taken the diagnostics team's lead and diverted their resources to the community clinic." He brushed his hand down her arm before pulling away, not daring to give her any more of an intimate greeting in the crowded clinic. "Not only will we treat more patients, this will actually stretch our budget for much longer than we'd expected." he explained.
"I guess they all agreed that if our money's running out anyway, we may as well spend what's left on helping as many people as we can." The couple turned to see Kyra behind them, clutching onto a clipboard of accounts. Ethan nodded in agreement, and Blue sighed looking around at the entire scene in front of her.
Naveen was ushering a patient past. "Just this way, young man, and we'll have that arm set in no time!"
Through an open exam door, Blue spotted Harper speaking to another patient as well. "I assure you, Ms. Macris, the injection is perfectly safe."
Blue let out the breath she was holding, the entire situation giving way to the reality of the hospital's impending doom. "It's surreal to see even senior staff coming down here to help." she uttered out.
Ethan nodded, clicking his pen closed and slotting it into his coat pocket. "We're all doctors first, we're here to help patients." His eyes roamed the swarm of people in the room, an unreadable expression flitting across his features. "Expanding the clinic has just shown how great the community's need really is."
Blue sighed, "To think that these crowded halls will be completely empty in a few months..."
"We did everything in our power to try to prevent that from happening, but at some point we have to accept things for how they are." Kyra replied sadly.
"Kyra is right." Ethan nodded once, turning to Blue again. "We have to pick the best options from the few we have and move forward to do good."
Kyra gave the two doctors a small smile as she said, "I'm going to keep spreading the word in the community. Good luck, guys." She hurried off with her clipboard, leaving Blue and Ethan to gaze out over the sea of frenetic activity.

Rookie 2 | Ethan Ramsey
RomanceAs Blue Hunter's intern year draws to an end, after lots of challenges and hurdles, what lies for her professionally and personally when Ethan Ramsey finally returns from the Amazon? What new challenges would she face as she starts her fellowship in...