Chapter 34~ Unpredictable Challenge

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Unpredictable Challenge

"Well, I have a feeling that you're strong-willed enough to succeed anywhere you go."

All was quiet on the seventh floor where the diagnostics team, Blue, Ethan and Baz were waiting by the hallway to the patient room anxiously.

They had agreed to take on one last case.

Caroline Bloom.

The doors of the elevator opened, and the temporary silence was broken by the paramedics wheeling out Caroline on a gurney, straight after being transferred from Mount Mercy.

Blue observed her form, barely conscious as her body slumped against the gurney. The three members of the team rushed forward, taking over the gurney from the paramedics, and rolling it towards the empty patient room they had prepared for her.

"Hang in there, Mrs. Bloom, we're almost there." Blue reassured the woman in a calming manner.

Leland walked with them, his hand stroking the top of his wife's head gently. "Honey? Honey, you're in good hands." he told her. Caroline moved her head towards his voice, but her eyes were swollen shut. She tried to respond, but the most she could manage out was a weak wheeze.

"Her throat is swollen." Ethan noted, even as they rolled the gurney. "She's in anaphylactic shock. Where's the nurse?" his baritone rang.

Blue looked around for a moment, noticing that there were close to no staff on the seventh floor, as it was exclusive to the diagnostics team's patients, and not many worked there after the team was dismantled. "There's no time." she told Ethan. "I'll prep the epinephrine."

At that, tears pooled in the corners of Leland's grey eyes. "Please...please...Hang on, Caroline." he choked out, just as the team wheeled his wife into the patient room, ready to subdue the attack.


A short while later, Blue had administered the epinephrine injection into Caroline's thigh, and the attack had stopped.

Caroline's swelling had abated, and she was lying back on the bed, her breathing tortured but stable.

"Her breathing..." Blue pointed to the monitor. "She's still experiencing stridor."

Ethan nodded as he added, "Blood pressure has stabilized, but we should keep an eye on her O2 levels."

As Blue adjusted the monitor, Caroline's high-pitched wheezing cut through the momentary quiet, and Blue could see the effect of his wife's condition weighing down on Leland heavily as he began to pace furiously across the room.

He paused in front of Ethan, looking up at his towering frame with desperate eyes. "You have to find out what's doing this to her, doctors."

"I assure you, we're doing--" Baz tried to reassure him.

Leland turned to Baz, his tone almost pleading. "You saved me, you can save her. She's a thousand times more important."

"Leland, you need to calm down." Blue said, stepping away from Caroline's bedside a little. "I understand that you're worried and concerned, but panicking won't help her." she reasoned.

"Dr. Hunter is right. The best thing you can do right now is keep a level head so you can answer our questions quickly and thoroughly." Baz told him, his voice levelled.

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