1. Newbie

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"Lee hurry your ass up!" Lydias dad shouts from the other room. "coming!" she replies. They where moving a few towns over. She lived an ok life, not poor but definitely not rich. Lyd had a dog named Rocket, her was a small pitbull that she lived with her whole fucking heart, and a younger brother named Finn who's 12, along with a sister Sofia who's 4.

Lydia goes outside with a box of her belongings in her hand, Rocket following close behind. "Can we get rid of the damn dog?" her dad growls as Rocket prances by him. The blonde rolls her eyes as she hops in the front seat of the car. "You ready Finn?" she asks her younger brother. "As all ever be" the brunette boy groans, he haven't particularly wanted to leave.

She reclines her seat back covering her eyes with her old baseballc cap listening to the rain and old car engine as they drive off.

Lydia was homeschooled because she took care of Finn and Sofia more often than not. Her mom left a few months back, her parents never really got along that well so one day her mom just kinda... left.

2 days later

"Hey dad I'm going on a walk!" Lee shouts from the bottom of the stairs. "Take Sofia I don't wanna deal with her!" He shouts in a angry tone as he barrels down the stairs with the screaming kid in his arms "dad I just wanna go be a t-" she gets cut off by a very unfriendly slap across the face. "ok... come here Fia" Lyd mumbles with tears in her eyes grabbing the small child and holding her close.

Lydia walks out the door, Jayden holding her hand and Rocket on the leash at her side. She was used to playing the mommy role ever since her mom left, her dad had issues, or something? But that wasn't important she was a kid still, so she wasn't gonna let her siblings stop her.

Pogues POV

"Yo John B who's the hot chick with the kid" JJ chuckles sipping a beer. "You think I'd know?" he ask also eying the girl. "You guys are full of it" Kiara scoffs "I'm going to say hi"

Kie walks to the stranger "hi I'm Kiara, Uh Kie. You must be a newbie?" She says in her fake happy tone. "Work on your fake happy tone. And um ya I'm new, I'm Lydia, Lyd, Lee, whatever floats your boat" the blonde smiles in return. Rocket sniffs her legs and Kie reaches down and pats his head. "That's Rocket, and I'm this is my sister Sofia"

Kiara smiles at the dog then the small giggling baby. "Well nice to meet you Lee, there's a party tonight at 7 if you wanna come. Me and my friends are going to crash it"

"Seems fun, I'll be there but probably not until a little later"'


Sofia was sleeping, Finn was in his room, and her dad lays on the couch watching TV sipping a beer.

It's go time

She hops out her window before picking up Rocket and lowering him to the ground as well. Off the popped down the road to this party of people she didn't know. 

It was quite obvious she had arrived when a loud group of rowdy teens come up to her. "I'm Rafe, you?" a tall boy slightly older than her says. She immediately got a 'jackass' vibe from him. "Lydia" she smiles in return before spotting Kie up ahead and walking to her.

"Lee!" Kie squeaks and grabbing her hand running to a group of boys. "JJ, John B, and Pope" she says proudly. Lyd looks the 3 boys up and down noticing the blonde won as a large bruise and a story behind those brightly blue eyes. The brunette... he just looks plain dumb. And the dark skinned boy who looks the friendliest.

"Lydias the name but Lee and Lyd work just fine" Lyd says to the 3 "and this is Rocket, he's not as scary as he looks"
The blonde immediately crouches down at this information petting the dog all over. "Hi puppy" he says in a awful baby voice. "So you're the chick with the kid?" John b asks her. Kie shoots him a 'what the hell?' look.

"You really are dumb, that's my sister" she laughs.
As the party went on everyone went their ways. Lydia was sitting on a fallen sipping a drink with her 4 legged friend watching everyone intently.
"Can I sit here?" her thoughts get interrupted by JJ. "Ya" she smiles happy at the company.

"What's the bruise from?" she always liked cutting to the chase of things, she wanted to know the good stuff. "It's no-"

"Your parents did it"

JJ looks at her shocked. It took John B years to find out and she had know this girl for all about 2 minutes. "You aren't the only one" she says, a light smile filled with pain comes over her "you never will"

"My dad" he says regretting those words the second the come out of his lips. "me to.... me to"

Annnnnndddddd that's a wrap on the first chapter I hope you like it!!!

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