8. Princess

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"Will you be my girlfriend?" he blurts "because I like you a lot, like I'm I dunno head over heals?"

Lee lets out a breath "I can't..." she sighs. "Why? If it's becaus of your dad or the pogues we don't have to tell anyone" he tells her. Lee wanted to say yes, in fact she regretted the words 'I can't' the second she said them. "No it's not because of them, I just- can't"

JJ pulls her closer to him "that's ok" he whispers. She wasn't sure why JJ was so forgiving to her, if anyone else even bumped into him he would hold a grudge for weeks, but he never got like that towards her. "I'm sorry" she says as regret fills her body. "Don't be sorry" he reassures her as they look up at the sky on the beach.

"I had a boyfriend.... Alex. He cheated on me last year and... and I don't wanna get hurt again. My mother always told me you don't need a man and should never rely on one. So I just shut myself out from any relationship" Lee confesses with a sigh.

"Do you still love Alex?"

"No, god no he was an ass but it still hurt... it's not your fault so don't go with your saying 'I'm so sorry Lee' because it's fine" Lyd tells him. She hated when people said they where sorry for her because 9 time out of 10 she was fine. "I'll wait for you" is all he says. She knew in that moment he understood why she was so afraid of love. He was ok with it because deep down he knew she liked him back.

JJ being the person he is jumps up pulling her as he does. "I was comfy!" she whines bad JJ throughs the small girl over his shoulder. "JJ no! Put me down!" Lee flails her body. JJ just laughs throwing her into the icey water but he gets dragged down with her.

"You little shit!" JJ yells with a laugh as Lydias head pops out of the water and her arms wrap around his neck as she try's to escape the cold water. "Stop climbing me like a cat I've got you" he smiles. "no JJ the waters cold" she complains. They make eye contact and stare blankly for the second time today.

JJ decides it's time for a take 2 and kisses her again but this time she doesn't pull away. She lets his hands meet her waist and holds her up. After a minute they pull away. "you're a surprisingly good kisser" she jokes breaking the awkward tension.

"Surprisingly?" he cocks an eyebrow. "I've probably slept with everyone here beside you and Kie! Oh and Sarah Cameron"

"That is not a turn on" she giggles while pulling away from him and swimming back to shore. He admires her, the girl he's so deeply in love with. JJ smiles before running up to shore. "Where to?" JJ smiles. "Were soaking wet Jay" she giggles.

"Ok let's go home"

As cheesy as it sounds when she was with JJ everything felt different. Like she was floating, she felt safe. Like she was home.

Lydia happily agrees. While they're walking home JJ realizes the small girl who looks freezing. He chuckles a little before wrapping his jacket around her "you looked a little chilly" he laughs. "I wouldn't be if you didn't throw me in the water" she groans pressing her body into him for warmth. JJ puts his are around her with a squeeze "princess"

"Don't call me princess"

"princess princess princess" he mocks with a smile. "you're lucky I tolerate you" she rolls her eyes with a giggle. As they walk home Lee sticks pretty close to his side, JJ makes him dumb jokes and they somehow find ways to laugh about their past.

When they get to the cheatu John B is there working the the Pogue with a beer in his hand. "Hey birdshit!" JJ shouts. John Bs dad went missing 9 months ago and DCS has been hounding his ass since. His dad also called him bird so JJ has deemed him 'Birdshit'.

"Hey dumbass! Hey Lee!" he shouts back with a laugh. JJ grabs a beer sipping it with his free hand the other around Lee. "Want one?" he offers but Lee is quick to roll her eyes and say no. JJ shrugs before flopping down in a chair on the porch while Lee sits in another.

"yo JJ did ya do it!?" John B yells from the boat not noticing Lee sitting there. "I- umm" JJ mutters while his cheeks go pink. "He did! But I told him about Alex! I'm uhh not ready" Lee replies for the boy as John B steps onto the porch. "you're pussy whipped just own in" the brunette boy whispers in JJs.

"I am not"

"Yes you are"

The boys argue back and fourth for awhile. Not much later the sun goes down and Lee finds herself  at the fire with JJs arm around her as the other Pogues make jokes and tell story's. Lydia felt happy... for the first time in a long time.

jsjsjsjs i  freaking love this

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