𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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A week later, she waited outside her apartment complex, continuing to text her friend why she was even going in the first place. She started to grow nervous as a car approached her, the window rolled down as she saw a man with light brown hair seated in the driver seat. "Sorry for making you wait!" he quickly got out the car, opening the passenger door for her.

"Oh thank you." he nodded, giving her a smile while she got inside the car. "I know you probably had other plans so sorry for making this a bit last minute. I appreciate it." he started to drive off. "It's no problem, didn't really have anything to do either way. I kinda feel uncomfortable though..meeting someone else's family."

Komori "ah-ed" while he stopped at a red light, turning to look at her. "Sorry about that too! We don't really know each other and I just asked you to be a fake girlfriend to save my cousin's ass.." he heard her chuckle as the red light turned green. "I'm Y/n L/n."

"I'm Motoya Komori, my cousin's Kiyoomi Sakusa. He might be a bit eh at first but he's really cool!" she laughed. "Eh?" she covered her mouth, continuing to laugh. "What's so funny? He's just..yeah..eh at first."

"He went to Itachiyama, right? With you? I remember my friend Iizuna saying something about him being the ace and you being a good ass libero, now look at you two pros!"

"Yeah! It kinda scared me a bit but I love it!"

"That's nice Komori." she smiled at him as the view quickly changed, she started to grow nervous again, it was only a one time thing but meeting someone else's parents is something she never expected until later.

"So uh his parents are uh cool? Well his dad is. His mom's a bit strict with him..that's why i'm glad you accepted because otherwise I would've been back up support for him. Other than that just pretend you knew him for a few months and act all lovey dovey with him..if he allows you to.."

He parked in front of a tree as a man with curly black hair in a suit and a mask was standing right next to it. "That's him..he kinda intimidates me a bit just by the way he's looking at me, like right now.." the two got out of the car, Sakusa noticed she was carrying an envelope and a bouquet of flowers.

"Hello, i'm Y/n L/n. It's a pleasure to meet you." she set her hand out for him to shake, he slowly but surely shook her hand. "Kiyoomi Sakusa, it's a pleasure to meet you as well." she nodded as she lead down a path with trees on both sides with lanterns scattered around. Sakusa noticed how her eyes widened at the sight, she thought it was beautiful.

"Kiyoomi! Is this her?" she heard Sakusa give out a sigh as he walked toward the lady. "It is, Y/n, this is my mother Koemi, Mom this is Y/n, the girl i've been telling you about." he was the exact copy of his mother except she had a beauty mark under her eye. "It's nice to finally meet you-" Y/n was interrupted.

"Well if you came like you should've, when you were "busy" then you would've met me already." Y/n didn't know what to say, except to bow. "My apologies, I have been busy with work. The doctors in the hospital have been requesting me to do more shifts during the day and night, I would love to spend more time to talk to you more and your family." she raised her head back up, in the corner of her eye she could see how Sakusa's eyes widened just a bit and how utterly speechless Komori was.

"Hm, alright then. Y/n you said hospital? You work as a doctor or a nurse?" the four walked down to the chairs. "I'm a nurse ma'am." Y/n smiled, looking at Koemi. "A nurse..have you tried going for a doctor?"

"Um well, I actually like my position now, maybe in the future I could-"

"Well you wouldn't want to waste any talent correct? It'd be a shame if you did." Koemi stopped walking making Y/n almost trip over but kept her balance. "You're dating my son for his money, aren't you? I want you to leave and to never come back. I don't want you in this family you slut."


"No Kiyoomi, you should've known, this woman is nothing but a money seeker." Sakusa shook his head, turning to Y/n as she had a shocked expression on her face. "A slut? Is that what you call her son's girlfriend? I don't want his money, i'm happy living off with how much I make, I was and I am now." for being a nurse she was exceptionally good at acting but she was a bit hurt.

"Is this our son's girlfriend! I've been dying to meet you!"


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