𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Kiyoom?! Where's my makeup brushes?!"

"Huh— Which one?! There's ten— no eight or is that nine?!"

"Just give me the whole pouch!"

The two were late, only an hour late as they slept in as they were rushing to get ready. Sakusa was already dressed, he was just helping Y/n with her suit as she was doing her makeup, using colors to match what she's wearing.

"I'm done." she said as she put on setting spray, he nodded, getting his keys as they exited out his house and going into his car. "Aren't we late..?" she said as he started to drive off.

"Not really..everyone comes until an hour or two later. The party actually starts when all the kids are sleeping, especially my annoying cousins.." he said looking at her as she was making sure she looked good.

"Do I look fine?"

"You look beautiful Y/n." he said, giving her a kiss as she tapped his shoulder.

"The road Kiyoomi!"


They could hear the music from down the street, they were lucky enough that his parents house was far away from the others. Cars were lined up in front of the house, some on the drive way as others were near the sidewalk. He parked the car in the garage as he sighed, hearing the music from inside.

"He's already playing La Romana already..?" he said as they got out the car. He opened the garage door, looking at Kiyoshi who was holding a cup in the air as long with his cousins doing the same. Sakusa was right, almost everyone was dressed as if they were going to an expensive party.

"Kiyoomi! You're here!" Kotomi walked over to the two, she was wearing a sleek dark green dress with gold heels along with gold accessories. Her hair was tied up, letting her curls out in the end. "And Y/n you look so pretty!"

"Thank you, you do too! I love your dress, where'd you get it from?"

"Well to be honest..I got it from the thrift store..I just fixed it up and everything!" Kotomi hesitantly said as she looked at her. "I did that too once but the dress ripped before I even got to wear it—"

"Y/nn?!" a group of voices called over for her as she heard Sakusa mumble a few words. "Can I please take a picture of you?" Atsumu said, already taking his phone out as Sakusa shook his head. "No."

"Don't worry we can just take a group photo— Kotomi you're still married? I can't hear all this music due to my Lamborghini outside." Hinata said as Kotomi laughed. "Yes i'm still married Hinata."

"In another life okay Kotomi.."

"I don't think so!" Kotomi waved at them before she left. "Stop hitting on my sister..and Y/n." Sakusa glared at his teammates as they laughed, they heard the music change as Atsumu, Bokuto and Hinata all looked at each other.

"Please no—"

"A ella le gusta la gasolinaaa!"

His family members and them all yelled as they went over to the dance floor, the three were basically the beginning and the end of the Sakusa parties whenever they were invited.

"I'll be right back, just stay here.." Sakusa sighed as he walked away, leaving Y/n near as she watched everyone else dance. "Mami why don't you come dance with us?" one of his aunts pulled her to the dance floor.

Y/n only copied their movements, getting praised as they were telling her she was doing good..for a beginner. She didn't really care as long as she was getting along with his family.

"Excuse me, Y/n, can we talk?"

She looked over to see his mother as his aunts all squeezed her shoulder, whispering good luck to her. "I have somewhere quiet." Koemi said, gesturing Y/n to follow her but Y/n only looked her.

"Don't make me look like a fool now." Koemi grabbed her arm, her grip was hard to get out of as Koemi took Y/n upstairs to a guest room, closing the door as she locked it.

"You..are the cause of my family tearing apart—" Koemi said, turning to look at Y/n. "Me? You really think i'm the cause of what ever your family is going through?" Y/n almost laughed.

"Of course you are! Kiyoomi doesn't need a girl like you, he's already talking my friend's daughter right now, it's about time he opens his eyes and finds someone else better than you." Koemi rolled her eyes, Y/n didn't know whether to believe her or not.

Y/n walked towards the door, unlocking the door as she tried to find her way back downstairs. Koemi only stood in the room, she saw the face Y/n had, she looked confused but Koemi didn't care. Not one bit.

Y/n finally found the stairs, sighing as they were a long way down. She could see his teammates still dancing on the dance floor but she couldn't find Sakusa anywhere. She made it down as her phone was starting to ring.


"Can we please talk..?"

"No, I don't want to hear any of your excuses—" she stopped talking as she saw a girl, one in a red dress, she figured she was the girl Koemi was talking about. She had finally found Kiyoomi but she stopped walking as she saw the girl look back at her then to him as she placed her hands on face, bringing him close for a kiss.

Y/n couldn't watch, she turned back around, going to the front door as she walked straight out. Her mother heard Y/n start to breathe heavily, getting her keys ready. "Y/n where are you—" M/n stopped as she heard her daughter start to cry.

"Can you..just— pick me up, please?"


i have motivation to finish this whole book


𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 || 𝗸. 𝘀𝗮𝗸𝘂𝘀𝗮 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now