𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"What?" Y/n looked at her mother in disbelief, B/n was shocked, he had never heard those words from her mother's mouth before. On the other hand, Y/n's heard it many times after he left. "You are too hung up on your father's death, let it go, he is dead. I don't even know why you listen to him more than me when you were in high school, he was barely home to even be called your father—"

"He actually took time in his day to take us places while you were busy around messy with other men while you were "working." You don't even earn the title to be called my mother, you don't even take time to talk to me or call me about how my day was anymore all you do is worry about B/n. Like I get it you have favorites but at least show some sympathy!"

Y/n was breathing heavily, her fingers were tapping against her thigh while she was holding in tears. "Why can't you just listen to me Y/n? I love you both equally—"

"The awards that are— hung up back at home, whose are those?" Y/n choked on her words, B/n looked at his sister, she hasn't seen her in this state since their father passed away. "Those pictures on the wall, whose in every single one of them?" he saw the tears running down her cheek.

"I don't know—"

"It's B/n, everything at home is about him. You don't love us equally. Do you love me? Do you? Or do I remind you too much of dad? Is that it?" the only answer she received was silence, followed with a few sobs. "I'm trying to make everything right for you! Everything I do is for you because I wanted to prove your damn father that I was a good mother—"

"But you're not! You're not at all! Do you even know how long I have tried to get your attention? How long i've been wanting to hear you say that you're proud of me?" Y/n's last words were a whisper but her mother heard it loud and clear. M/n couldn't even come up with anything else to say.

Y/n sat back in the seat, wiping the left over tears on her cheeks. No one said a word after that, the car ride was silent until they reached her house. They saw a car parked in the drive way as a man was sitting at the bottom of the steps. "Y/n do you know who that is?"

She ignored her mother's words as she parked the car, she stepped out, walking towards him. "Is there something you need?" Sakusa looked up at her then stood up as he showed her different type of flowers. "I don't think you receive my messages but I didn't know what flowers to bring to the wedding so I kinda got one of each.." he noticed how red her eyes were.

"Were you—"

"I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind either one, he's right there. You can ask him." Y/n pointed over to her brother who was holding hands with Kimiko, walking towards the two. "Are you Y/n's boyfriend..?" B/n looked up at the man, noticing the difference in height between him and Sakusa. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you."

Sakusa shook his hand. "Nice to meet you too, this is my fiancé, 'Miko— Kimiko, sorry that's a nickname." B/n chuckled, looking over to his sister and mother who weren't batting an eye to each other. "It's fine and is she your mother?"

"Yes, she came with us. We're just spending the night here, are you going to join us?"

"I'll have to ask Y/n if she doesn't mind—"

"Well you're her boyfriend aren't you? Are you not allowed to stay?" M/n joined in the conversation as they heard the front door open and close. Sakusa looked back at Y/n, her figure disappearing into the dark then at her brother who had a saddened face. "Yes I am but this is a family matter and I don't want to barge in."

"You're fine, come inside." M/n immediately went inside the house. Kimiko was just shocked to see how M/n's tone can change so quick. "I'll go check where Y/n is." B/n headed outside, looking through the huge backyard as he ran to the only tree there. It was huge, the leaves were were overflowing with green and at the bottom was a growing plant who didn't seemed to get enough water.

"Y/n.." he stood in front of her, watching how she was curled up next to the tree. "If only dad was here, he would've loved the house I picked. He would've loved everything I did."

"Why can't she love me like she loves you?"


if you listen to mitski, what's your favorite album?
mines puberty 2 and lush !!


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