𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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She had never danced more in her life, her legs and feet were sore, all she knew was that she was being pulled into the dance floor constantly, hearing words she didn't understand. Kotomi, Kiyoomi's older sister, thanked her for coming, taking in the envelope and bouquet of flowers. "I never expected Kiyoomi to date someone so pretty!"

"Thank you but you are just gorgeous! The dress is beautiful!" Y/n complimented her as the waiter brought around drinks. She quickly took one, not knowing if it was water or not. "I didn't take you as one to drink." Kotomi laughed, taking a drink as well.

"I'm just really thirsty! I haven't drank in years..this taste really good.." Y/n mumbled the last part, taking another drink. "Come on let's go dance! I saw you dance earlier, you're really good for someone who hasn't dance merengue, bachata y cumbia!"

"So uh what's this?"

"Zapateado! It's just tapping your feet really fast then slow down then fast then— just copy me! Move your hips too!" Y/n followed her movements, getting into the rhythm of the song, she noticed they were going in a circle as members of their family joined in as well.

"Y/n's really good..even I can't dance to this song!" Komori said, chugging down his water, sweating from dancing too much. "I actually forget how our mom's side likes to dance!" he yelled over the music, looking over to where Y/n was, watching her drink cup after cup while his tias were encouraging her.

"Uh is Y/n supposed to be drinking..?"

Sakusa choked on his water, his eyes wavering to her and his tias. "Uh I actually don't know..i'll get her." he waved to his tias, telling them that she shouldn't drink as much. "Kiyoomi, you're so cute worrying about your girlfriend!"

"Oh uh thank you?" he helped Y/n walk to the table he and Komori were sitting at. "I haven't—" she burped. "—drank in so..long! It's really fun—hey Sakusa..you know—" she took a deep breath as she was handed water. "You're really pretty." her face was flushed, smiling at Sakusa as she poked his cheek. "Pokey poke."

Sakusa looked over to his cousin, not knowing what to do. "I think she's a lightweight.." Komori whispered as Sakusa nodded. "I can drop you off home, if you'd like?" he asked, moving her to sit still. "It's far..i'll just stay with you Sakusa..if you don't mind—" she sat comfortably on the chair, laying her head on her palm.

"She's gonna fall asleep— she's sleeping.."

"I'll just go home, it's late anyways. Tell dad i'll be going." Komori nodded, Sakusa carried Y/n into his car, buckling her up as he slowly drove off to his home, hearing the small snores coming from behind him. A few minutes later, she raised her head up, looking outside the window.

"Are we moving? Cars?" Sakusa looked back at her, handing her a water bottle. "Are you feeling well?"

"Yep! Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Y/n..you wouldn't be in this car if I did.." he chuckled at her, stopping at a red light. "Am I your girlfriend?" he shook his head. "No Y/n, you're my fake girlfriend—" he heard her cry.

"You know, I just want to love someone! When I get married, I want it to be someone like you. You're pretty, nice and you're sweet.." she was dozing off again as Sakusa started to drive. "— you're also pretty.."

"Night Kiyo...omi."


𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 || 𝗸. 𝘀𝗮𝗸𝘂𝘀𝗮 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now