𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Y/n! How was my little girl?"

"I'm good! Did you see my report card? I got all A's but my science teacher gave me a B because I didn't turn in a few assignments.." the five year old pouted, hearing her father laugh. "Why didn't you turn in those assignments N/n?" he picked her up, carrying her on his shoulder.

"They were too hard to do! My teacher said that it was easy! Well it wasn't easy, was it teacher?" she crossed her arms as he set her down on the kitchen counter. "When is mommy coming home..?"

"Soon Y/n."

"You always say that! She never reads me bedtime stories only B/n.." she frowned as he placed his fingers on the corners of her mouth, lifting them up to make her smile. "I read you bedtime stories, aren't I the best reader Y/n? I thought you said you don't want anyone else to read for you."

"I don't! Don't stop reading, you should become a reader like those people who read for kids!"

"Sweetie as much as I would love to, I have another job that I love, I love it so much—"

"More than me?!"

"No! Definitely not more than you! You are my first priority Y/n, how about we go to the place your father always wanted to live in." she smiled, gesturing him to pick her up, heading outside as he sat her in the backseat. "But I thought you wanted to live here? In this house."

"Not really, this was just closer to work for your mother and I." he drove out the driveway. "What if I buy that house for you! So you and mommy can live in it, I can make lots and lots of money for you two!" she convinced herself that she would, knowing she would be able to buy the house, just for the two of them.

"One day Y/n, one day."


That night, Sakusa agreed to stay over, sleeping in the living room as everyone else was in the guest room. He had woken up in the middle of the night, hearing footsteps, he opened his eyes, looking at Y/n who was walking towards the kitchen. "Y/n?"

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you." she whispered, getting a cup from the cabinet, he heard her start to pour a liquid, it was too dark to tell what it was, thinking it was coffee or water. "What are you drinking?"

"Tea. Wants some?"

"No i'm fine." she nodded, walking towards him, sitting on the couch. "Why are you up?" he yawned, covering his mouth as he covered himself with the blanket. "Couldn't sleep."

"Is that why you're drinking tea? To help you sleep?" he asked, looking at how tired she seemed. "No, it's sort of a comfort drink to be honest. I prefer to drink it at night." she said, taking a sip. "A comfort drink?"

"Yeah, I would drink it when i'm uh feeling down?" she swirled the spoon around, the moonlight shown through the window, beaming onto her face. Sakusa looked at her, her eyes were a brighter color due to the light, she seemed so tense yet calm. "Are you just going to keep looking at me—?"

"You're pretty.." he let out, mumbling as she tilted her head. "I mean—"

"You think i'm pretty?" she chuckled, smiling as she glanced at him as he looked away, feeling a bit embarrassed while his face started to heat up. "Well uh yeah?"

"Your questioning it. Am I not pretty anymore Sakusa?" she teased, watching his movements as he laughed. "You are pretty." he said, sighing as he looking at her in the eye.

"I think you're pretty too Sakusa."


The next day, they had gotten ready at their mother's house, Sakusa had went home before they left, saying that his mother wanted him to get ready there to go all together.

"Is every bridesmaid ready? The dresses are coming now!" M/n said as the women nodded, they were Kimiko's close friends. Y/n was only a "guest" at her own brother's wedding due to her mother telling her that it was just his day and that she shouldn't be too involved in it.

Y/n had gotten ready in her room, only wearing a long black dress and a few gold accessories. Her phone lit up, shifting towards it as Sakusa had texted her saying that they were there. It was a bit early but his mother wanted to have some time to meet hers.

"He's here!"

"Who?" M/n said, walking out the room as she was dressed in theme. "Sakusa."

"Oh! Let me just get a few things, i'll meet you down there." Y/n nodded, walking down the stairs as she opened the front door. "It's nice to see you again!" Kotomi smiled, shaking Y/n's hand. "Same here."

"Sorry about it being last minute, i'm happy you could come! I'm sure my mother would appreciate it." Y/n said, letting them inside the house as Sakusa smiled at her. They heard the sound of heels clicking down the stairs, looking at the woman who looked similar to Y/n.

"Hello! It's nice to meet you all!"


𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 || 𝗸. 𝘀𝗮𝗸𝘂𝘀𝗮 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now