𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Your mother just never listens.." her grandmother mumbled, sitting next to Y/n, not wanting her to feel less wanted. "So, I heard you have a boyfriend. Is he handsome?" she smiled, slowly nudging Y/n's shoulder.

"Yeah, he is."

Y/n smiled back while everyone stood back up as Kimiko started to walk down the aisle. The air was at perfect temperature, a perfect day to have a wedding. She only sighed, knowing that her mother wouldn't put as much effort to help with her wedding as she did with B/n.

"You'll get your husband soon, it just takes time." her grandmother whispered as they sat back down on to the chairs. Y/n shook her head.

"Hopefully I do."

The wedding finished fairly quickly as everyone headed near the front yard, watching B/n and Kimiko drive off. Sakusa was a bit worried about Y/n, he saw her rush back inside and followed her, only to see why she was in such a hurry. He saw her pull out a wine bottle from the cabinet, quickly opening it as she poured herself a glass.

"I thought you were trying to stay sober Y/n?" he walked towards her, taking the glass away before she took a sip, placing the cup near his lips as he watched her watch him, drink the wine. "I lied and at least give me some.." she mumbled as he shook his head.

"You're no fun Kiyoomi." she slid down the wall, sitting down as she was handed a water bottle. Looking off to the side, in the corner of her eye she could see Sakusa remaining to stand in front of her until he sat down next to her.

"Can I tell you a story about someone?" she asked, seeing him nod. "They were dependent, dependent on the thought of feeling loved, they thought love would come easy, so easy that it would be easy to find. Unfortunately they were wrong because everyone who seemed to love them had eventually or slowly started to leave."

He saw the pained expression on her face, he knew he was talking about herself so his hand reached for hers, squeezing it a bit.

"So they became dependent on something else, it wasn't easy to let it go, it took a few methods but it wouldn't just leave." he felt her hand grip his a bit tighter. "They tried and tried to stop, their friends were a bit worried so they helped them. They checked up on them, made sure they slept before they left their apartment but nothing helped."

She then closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Until she got a call one late evening, one she wasn't expecting."

"She found it weird to be someone's fake girlfriend, especially for a pro volleyball player who seemed he could get any girl he liked." she chuckled lightly, turning her head straight. "She thought that the little time spent with him was enough to make her forget a bit how reality really was. And it was. She enjoyed every second of it, the laughs, the fake dates, the dancing in the rain, it made her seem as if..she actually felt cared for."

Her head slowly turned towards his, coming a bit closer.

"As if..he actually..seemed to like her..."

She looked in his eyes, watching how it would waver around her face, her hand subconsciously reached up to cup his cheek, using her thumb to rub his cheek lightly. "Do you like me..as a person Kiyoomi?" she hesitated to say the last few words, wishing to only say the first four.

His hand reached up to her cheek as well, tracing circles with his thumb. His face was soft, relaxed as his face gradually came closer to hers, looking into her eyes as he smiled, using his other hand to cup the other side of her face. "How could I not Y/n?" he whispered, feeling their noses touch.

It was safe to say she felt as if she was moving fast but she never enjoyed someone's company this much, she never would have thought she'd wait for someone to text her back and she never would have thought that she would've felt so warm, so safe in one's arm.

He questioned if he was doing the right thing, it didn't feel wrong, not one bit. He felt so safe to feel her hands on his face, how her fingers would softly glide along the edges of his jaw, how she would trace small hearts, thinking he wouldn't notice. All of it, all of her was everything he needed to feel completely adored.

It was gentle, a soft contact as he pulled her in closer, almost hugging her to the point where she melted into his touch. It was as if the kiss was something they had yearned for, something they wanted, needed almost but couldn't say because they were scared of what the other could say.

The kiss only lasted for a few seconds, they then slowly parted, not wanting to feel the coldness of the air as the warmth slowly faded away. "I'm sorry—"

It was unexpected for both.

But he had kissed her again.

Why? Because she started to grow onto him, he started to like how she smiled when she was with him or how she reminded him of a sweet candy he had tasted a few years ago, still remembering the taste because it was just too good to let go.

She was candy while he was the sweet tooth.


𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 || 𝗸. 𝘀𝗮𝗸𝘂𝘀𝗮 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now