𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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She waited— well not waited, more like— well she waited, she waited for him to call her even though she could easily press on the call button and call him herself.

She laid on her bed, trying to figure out why she was so fixated on calling him, it was late at night, she figured he must be sleeping until her phone rang. It scared her a bit but she reached for her phone, looking around her room, at each corner.

"Is there any microphones in here?! Tell me, I won't tell anyone!" she whispered loudly until she sighed, laying her head onto her pillow as she answered. "What are you doing up so late Sakusa?"

"Aren't you the one who answered? What are you doing up so late Y/n?" she could here the sarcasm in his voice. "Couldn't sleep." she looked over to the night stand, grabbing the remote control as she turned on the tv, putting the volume down.

"Me neither, it's too cold.."

"You can't sleep in the cold?" she laughed, bringing the blanket on top of her. "I can, just not when it's too cold, pero mi cobija es muy cálido so i'm fine for now." she tilted her head, her hand reaching over to the other side of the bed as he heard paper being flipped around.

"Are you reading—"

"Your blanket is uh hot? Warm?" his eyes slightly widened, stopping what ever he was doing. "Sakusa?"

"Are you..using a Spanish Dictionary?"

"Oh yeah! Since i'd probably meet your family more, I want to learn more about you..so I um yeah." she hesitantly chuckled as she heard him stay quiet. "I could've helped you, I have no problem doing so. And..that's really thoughtful of you."

"Thank you Y/n."



"Kiyo, the food's ready!" Kiyoshi said, Kotomi was searching around, given permission by M/n. "Didn't Y/n disappear too? Do you think they left together?" Kotomi questioned, entering the kitchen as they heard something move making them freeze. "Do they have a pet..?"

They slowly walked around the corner, both letting put a heavy sigh. "They're just sleeping.." Kotomi walked over to the two, Kiyoomi's head was on Y/n's shoulder while his arms were wrapped around her body. "They're so cute!" Kotomi whispered, taking out her phone as she took a quick picture.

"I'll post it on my private account! Let's not wake them up yet."

"Since when did you have a private account?!" Kiyoshi shook his head, giving the two one last look before they left. "Tomi, why do you think Mom doesn't like Y/n..?" he asked, lowering his voice.

"Easy, Y/n reminds her of her old self..before when she started to become so hard on Kiyoomi." Kotomi lightly frowned as they went back outside into the backyard, watching the men take away the chairs to change the scenery.

"I over heard Mom and Dad talk a few nights ago, I think she was crying..I heard her say how he shouldn't be with a woman who reminds her of her past self because—"

"Kotomi, Kiyoshi, are you guys ready to eat? And where's your brother?" Koemi said, she was sitting down on the bench while Kiyotoshi was talking to a few of Y/n's family members. "He's um sleeping?" Kotomi and Kiyoshi looked at each other and shrugged.

"What do you mean he's sleeping?" Koemi stood up, going to look for Kiyoomi but they stopped her. "He's fine, he's with Y/n." Kiyotoshi accidentally said, closing his mouth right after as he felt his mother and sister's glare.

'You weren't supposed to say anything!'

'I'm sorry!'

"Where?" the two shivered, looking off to the side. "The kitchen.." they both said, knowing she was just going to become more annoying, they then moved out the way for their mother to go inside. "I don't think this is going to end well.."

Koemi searched her way through the house, finding herself in the kitchen as she walked towards the two, shaking Kiyoomi awake. "You have to eat. Y porqué estás aquí con ella?" ["And why are you here with her?"] she grabbed his arm, making him stand up. "Huh— why are you so worried about her? No ha hecho nada malo!" ["She didn't do anything wrong!"] he slightly raised his voice, quickly looking back to check if Y/n woke up, only seeing her move around a bit.

"You like her, is that it Kiyoomi?"

"Why do you say it like it's something bad..?"

"Because it is, after this, break up with her." Koemi said, starting to walk away. "I'm not your fifteen year old boy who you think you can control, why are you so fixated on what I do? Did I do something for you to act this way because you never seem to do the same with Kotomi and Kiyoshi."

"Kiyoomi, break up with her."


is it sad to say that i have two more sakusa ff's in my drafts..?


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