𝖾𝗑𝗍𝗋𝖺 #𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞
thank you so much for
170k reads! this extra was supposed
to be publish in july but i literally
forgot LMFAO but enjoy <3
[1400 words]

Right after Y/n's and Kiyoomi's wedding was of course the afterparty and they held it in their own backyard. Everyone was too busy dancing and having fun to notice that the newly weds were gone.

They weren't exactly gone, they were just in their room having some time alone, both sitting close to each other and letting the music pour into their bedroom from the window. Kiyoomi had her hand near his face, letting the back of her hand brush against his skin while she laid her head on his shoulders.

"I'm scared to see it." she said, her heart beating fast against her chest. "Me too." he hummed, he felt her fingers run through the back of his hair. "How long has it been?! I'm just going to take a peek! Kiyoomi I can't wait any longer!" she said, standing up as he aired out a laugh, following her movements and walking towards the bathroom.

"Open the door." she said to him. "You open it." he said back to her. "But Kiyoomi! I need you to see it first!" she whined, her eyes catching his hand go to the doorknob but instead she opened the door.

"You're really easy to read you know that right?"

"Shhh! I'm going to look now!" she shushed him, his eyes peeking over her shoulder before they widened as she happily laughed. "It's positive! Kiyoomi we're having a kid!" she jumped around, almost stumbling on her dress before he pulled her out from the bathroom.

"I'm pregnant! Kiyoomi! Kiyoomi!" she held his hands, tears in both of their eyes as he embraced her into a hug. "We're going to *sob* be parents Kiyoomi!" she cried into his shoulder as his happy tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Me and you, Y/n."

The two were crying so much because being a parental figure was something they wished for because they dreamed of changing the way their mother's treated them to put their whole heart into loving their own children.

"I hope it's a girl!" Y/n said, wiping her tears as she took a few steps back. "I hope it's a boy." Kiyoomi did the same, sitting on the bed as she sat next to him. "It's going to be a girl! I know it is!" she smiled.

"My gut is telling me that the baby is going to be a boy Y/n. My gut never lies!" he laughed, his hands on her cheeks as he brought her into a kiss. "Well you're gut.." she kissed him. "is failing because.." he kissed her. "we're having a girl Kiyoomi." their lips fell on top of each other's, the sweet taste of cake was what their senses picked up first.

"Are we going to tell everyone else? Now?"

"Mhm, first let's enjoy this moment to ourselves."


"Hey..I just noticed that Y/n and Kiyoomi are gone.." Komori said, picking his fork into his piece of cake as Kotomi shrugged her shoulders. "I think I saw them leave thirty minutes ago— oh look! There they are!" she laughed, pointing over to the couple as they were holding hands, both with a huge smile on their faces as the two were mumbling something.

"Oh uhm..can I get your attention? Just for a few seconds!" Y/n said, all their heads turning to her as she froze, the sudden change of attention made her nervous so she took a step back, then a left and right behind her husband. "I didn't think they would stare at me so quickly!"

He chuckled, moving aside so she could speak, she glanced at him, giving him the eye before turning to everyone else. "Well uh, we just found out ten minutes ago and we're having a baby!" she said, her hands in their air as everyone's jaw dropped.

"Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo.." Komori started to mumbled. "You're what?! Oh my!" Kotomi quickly walked over to Y/n, pushing her younger brother aside. "I'm pregnant!" Y/n gleamed, her smile widening as Kiyoomi's father, Kiyotoshi, was walking to his son.

"I didn't expect this..yet!" Kiyotoshi laughed, hugging Kiyoomi tight before he started to cry. "First Kotomi and now you! I wonder when Kiyoshi is finally going to get married." his father continued to laugh, both son and father having a happy feeling in their chests. "Hopefully soon."

"On your wedding day too! How cute!" Kotomi hugged Y/n, welcoming her sister-in-law with the new information. "I know Kiyoomi wants a boy but we both know it's going to be a girl!" Kotomi chuckled as Y/n nodded her head, agreeing to what she said.

"I can't wait! I get to make the baby's room with Kiyoomi and spend the next nine months waiting for our child to be born!"

Time passed so quickly and soon those nine months came by, along with their first born girl Emi. Y/n was so happy the moment the doctor told them that she was having a girl. Kiyoomi of course was happy as well, though the fact of not having a son crushed him a bit.

Then they didn't realize it but another three years had passed by and yet, they had another girl named Camila. It wasn't a surprise to Kiyoomi, he wondered if they did have another kid that it would be a girl but by the time Emi started high school, years passed and they were almost twice their age than when they first met.

"Kiyoomi, if I hadn't said yes to be your fake girlfriend, would you be with another girl?"

"Hm? No."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because I could only feel this way with you Y/n and only you. If I could tell you how much you mean to mean, it would take years and I would die before I could get halfway. You're the only one for me." he said, kissing her forehead. "If another girl had agreed, I don't think all the memories we shared, I would share with someone else. You are mine, forever and ever..and ever."

Her eyes watered just a bit, her smile almost reaching up to her eyes as she leaned in for a kiss. "I love you more than you could ever imagine Kiyoomi, if I hadn't agreed, I don't think i'd be so happy right now. You are my happiness and everything I wanted to be happy. I love you tons."

"I love you and I love you, I love you and I love you." he mumbled against her lips as the two held each other. "Hm, i'm more than just in love with you. I don't know how to put it into words but it more than just love Kiyoomi. You mean more to me." she said, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "And you mean everything to me."



"I'm happy that I was your fake girlfriend. I don't see myself with anyone else but you." she said, running her fingers through his hair before he spoke. "I could say the same." he laid his head on her chest, the two had their eyes closed, both tired from work as they drifted off to a deep sleep.

Emi and Camila were just passing by to go to their rooms but stopped once they heard their parents talk. "Mom was Dad's fake girlfriend before they got together?" Camila said, scratching her cheek as Emi nodded her head. "You can ask Tio Motoya, he can give you everything about what happened!" Emi said.

"What? You already know how they got together?!"

"Uh yeah? I'm not dumb! Plus if you paid more attention to their conversations then you'll start connecting the dots to how they met and how they started you dumbass!" Emi glared at her younger sister. "Don't call me a dumbass..you..dumbass! Just tell me how Mom and Dad started dating!" Camila crossed her arms, watching Emi roll her eyes.

"Fine! So basically.."

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞

and that is the end for "fake girlfriend"
extra chapters! i'm so happy that this book is
getting more attention each day, thank you again to
everyone who read/comment/voted <3


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