𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝗈 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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An older man with combed black hair came into view, putting his hand on Koemi's shoulder. "Oh uh yes, Y/n L/n." she shook his hand while he smiled. "Kiyotoshi Sakusa, Kiyoomi's dad. I've heard somethings about you, not that much.."

"Sorry about that, work has been keeping me busy."

"It's fine, I understand! Work can be hectic, right Koemi?" he squeezed her shoulder, telling her to calm down. "Yes, it can be hectic."

"It's about to start, Kiyoomi and Motoya! Stand over with the rest of the groomsmen!" the two nodded, quickly walking as Komori was constantly moving his hands around while talking to Sakusa. "She should become an actor! I almost believed it for a sec but then again she was called a s-l-u-t..by your mom..."

"I know, i'll make it up to her."

"How?" Sakusa shrugged. "I don't know.." the two stood in front of the chairs as they saw Y/n in front of his parents, admiring the view, continuing to blabber on how beautiful it was, wishing she could have something like it for her wedding. The three then sat down in the front while the rest of the seats were being taken up.

Y/n held the envelope and flowers, not knowing where to put them as the music started to begin. Everyone stood up as they all collectively gasped at how beautiful she looked. The bride walked down the aisle, tears in her eyes while she was looking at her husband who was also crying.

The wedding went quick as the two new married couple was walking back down the aisle as everyone watched them get into the car and drive off. "Y/n, are you crying..?" Komori softly chuckled. "Sorry, everything about it was just so heart warming!"

"It was wasn't it?" Sakusa stood next to the two, watching his older sister slowly start to disappear into the road. "So uh what now..?" Y/n asked, looking at the two. "Kiyoomii!" another man who looked slightly older than Sakusa came up to him. "She's the girl?"

"She's the girl." the man looked at her up and down before looking at his younger brother. "You did good. It's nice to finally meet you, i'm Kiyoshi, his older brother." he shook her hand. "Y/n L/n, it's nice to finally meet you as well."

"If our mom said anything bad about you, i'm truly sorry about her..she's been bickering about how much you should've came to family dinners and stuff like that but I heard from dad that you're a nurse, so I understand that you have work. So it's not your fault." he patted her shoulder before he left to talk with his family.

"Kiyoomi, L/n, i'm sorry for saying those words to you. It was very rude of me and I shouldn't have said that, you do seem like a woman to do good on your own." Koemi said as her husband was right behind her. "You're an addition to our family, I hope you forgive me and we can correct this situation so we can become closer." Koemi bowed, shocking Sakusa.

"I'm sorry as well for raising my voice at you and I accept your apology, I also hope we can become closer." Y/n smiled but cursing herself at the mess she was brought into. "We should get going to the house, the dinner and everything else is going to be there!" Kiyotoshi said while the others nodded. The three went back to their cars as Sakusa turned to Y/n.

"I— Would you like to ride in my car?"

"It would make sense..if I were to, so yes?" Komori stared at the awkward "couple", going into his car as Sakusa opened the passenger door for her. "Thank you." he nodded, softly closing the door. "No problem." he went into the driver side, turning on the car as he stretched his hand behind the passenger seat, turning his head back as reversed the car.

"I actually have to start being your fake girlfriend from now on..don't I? Like full time?" he laughed at her response, quickly nodding. "I know it was only for this day but you don't mind do you..?" she shook her head, smiling as she leaned her head onto the window.

"I've never done anything like this before, it's risky but I like it."


𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 || 𝗸. 𝘀𝗮𝗸𝘂𝘀𝗮 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now