𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"I remember when he placed those photos in there, he had a whole bag..a shopping bag— and not one of those reusable bags, they were the plastic ones.."

"He put..pictures in a plastic bag? And not a folder?"


Her grandfather came into the room, standing next to her as he looked through the photos. "B/n might be in the big album but he dedicated one just for you." he smiled at her, raising his hand up to wipe the tears that had started to roll down her cheeks. "I can't carry the box but there's one in the closet with your name on it."

"Just for me?"

"Just for you."

She walked towards the small closet, opening the door as she looked down to the floor, there were a few boxes but there was one big one standing out from the others. "Oh! There's two, I have one in my room, i'll go get it right now." she nodded as she took out the box from the closet, it was very light, easy to carry as she set it in the middle of the room.

She took off the tape from the side, moving the flaps as she started to laugh, crying but laughing.

"For your birthday, i'll give you a cut out of myself so you can remember how an amazing father I am! And so you'll remember that i'm your number one!"

"Why are you laughing— oh, he actually made a cut out of himself..I thought he was joking.."

"I should've known, he never takes anything seriously, only in the court room he's so serious." she said, still laughing at the cut out. "Here's this one, he made it himself." he handed her a small white box with f/c rhinestones placed on each corner.

"I gave him something like this in third grade..i'm surprised he kept it." she said as she took the small box. She opened the lid, looking at the two small bracelets that were inside. They were decorated, f/c and black, one with her name on it and one with his.

"He said you made them a few years ago, said he couldn't fit his anymore so he was going to give it to you." he squeezed her shoulder as she held the two bracelets in her hands. "Thank you..for keeping them.."

"Anything for you Y/n."


She left a few hours later, she had taken the photo album, a few pieces of bread that he made and surprisingly..fit the cut out in her car. She had put on both of the bracelets on each wrists, her dad's on the left, since he was left handed and hers on the right.

She was driving back home but she headed the other direction, going to Kiyoomi's home but she realized he was probably at practice so she called him, waiting for him to pick up.


"Oh is this his girlfriend?!"

"Hello? Can I talk to him?" she asked as she heard masculine voices in the background, consisting of "It's her!" or "How does she sound like?"

"Omi! Your girlfriend is waiting for you~" she heard the man say. "I never said to pick up! I just said to tell me who it was Miya!" she heard Sakusa say, making her laugh a bit as she've never heard him seem so irritated. There was a long pause of silence making her question if she had accidentally hung up.


"Your laugh is so pretty—"

"Miya, i'm right here?!" Sakusa took the phone, glaring at his teammate as Atsumu backed away from him. "Did something happen Y/n?" his teammates deadpanned at him at how quickly he changed his tone. "No, I just uh wanted to see if you wanted to hang out later on?"

"We can right now, I just ended practice—"

"Can we come?" Y/n heard in the background, shaking her head as she smiled. "Am I on speaker?" she heard him sigh. "Yeah..sorry."

"It's fine but I just wanted it to be the two of us." Sakusa looked at his teammates in a teasing way as they rolled their eyes, taking her off speaker before he placed the phone near his ear. "I'll pick you up, where are you right now?"

"Sort of near your house?"

"Alright then, just go there and wait for me inside, i'll be there soon."

"Okayyy, bye Kiyoomi."

"Bye Y/n." Sakusa hung up the phone as he turned around, looking at his teammates who were smirking. "Soo when can we meet her?"

"In a few days..you guys are so persistent."


𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 || 𝗸. 𝘀𝗮𝗸𝘂𝘀𝗮 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now