𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗈𝗇𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"For your birthday..what are you planning to do?" he looked at her then back down to the face mask. "Well, I know my mom's going to throw a huge party but i'd rather just stay home and celebrate it small with you and a few of my teammates— speaking of them..please say no..but they actually want to meet you."

He said as he carefully placed the mask onto her face, making sure each of the edges were placed on right as she lightly smiled, making him sigh as a bit of it came off.

"I don't mind, i'm pretty sure they're really nice."

"I wouldn't say exactly nice..maybe to you but definitely not nice."

"Why'd you say that?"

"They um..sort of— well I don't like bugs, at all and they placed a toy cockroach near my towel and I didn't speak to them for a week, that's all i'm going to say." he shivered at the memory, hearing her laugh as he chuckled. "They seem fun."

"They are but they're just..so annoying."

"I would love to meet them." she smiled as she placed the mask on his face. "Miya, Bokuto and Hinata, right? I think they commented on my post before." she laughed as she opened another bag of marshmallows, putting some in her hand and his. "Yeah..sorry about them."

"It's no problem, when can I meet them?"

"They'll actually be coming to Kiyotoshi's birthday party in a few days so, you'll meet them there."

"Ah okay."


"Have you seen Y/n?"

"She's in her room with Sakusa, why?" B/n asked, looking at his mother who started to walk inside. "Nothing, just tell her your grandfather wants to talk to her."

"Why can't you— okay." he felt his mother's glare as he went inside, going up the stairs as he heard laughs coming from her room. He smiled lightly hearing it, to him it felt like years to hear her laugh genuinely.

"Y/n, he's here."

"He is?!" she immediately stood up, walking out her room then coming back, going into the bathroom. "I still have my face mask on?! Wait a second!" she washed it off, running back out of her room again as she went down the stairs, passing her mother.

"Is she that excited..to see him?"

M/n followed her outside as she saw Y/n bring him into a hug. "It's been so long! And you've grown so much!" her grandfather, he looked like the older version of her dad, much older. "You user to be this small and now you're this tall!" he used his hands to show how tall she was as a kid.

His personality was the same as well.

"I know, time flies doesn't?"

"Mhm— I have something for you, it's a toy I found the other night. I saved it to show you today." he placed his hands in his pockets, searching for it. He took out his hand as he showed a small key. "Oh I thought it was a toy..but it's the key to his room. I know you never got to visit much so, feel free to come whenever you like, okay?"

She only nodded, hesitated to take the key as he placed it in her hands, smiling widely. "It's yours, just yours Y/n." it almost made her cry, holding it in as she smiled back. "Thank you." holding the key tight in her hands.

"So, your boyfriend? Can I meet him?"

"Oh! Yeah, i'll just go get him." she stood up, turning around as she saw Sakusa already standing there, waiting for her, noticing he had taken the face mask off by himself. She went over to him, grabbing his hand. "This is him. Kiyoomi, my grandfather."

"If your grandmother was here, she'd tell him how pretty he was and would not stop talking about it." he laughed, shaking Sakusa's hand.

"I know you two will marry someday, i'm always right!"


i may not update as much because of final exams </3
this book also has around 15-20 chapters left :)



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