𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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The car ride to his parents house was a bit awkward at first until she pointed out how ugly a house was, making him laugh. "If I ever had a house, it would be small, two level house with a huge backyard. My two dogs would be outside, I don't know about kids but I do want a partner." she said, she sat straight as she saw a big white house with a black wooden roof, lights were hanging from the trees in the drive way.

"What the fuck? This is just— pretty." he nodded as he parked behind his brother's car, turning his face to talk to her but stopped as he watched how her eyes were wide, looking at the house as if she hasn't seen something so huge. "You ready L/n?"

She snapped her head back to him, quickly nodding with a huge smile on her face. "Tell me everything I need to know now! Sakusa this is just— wow!" she chuckled at herself, unbuckling the seat belt as she got out the car. She looked around as other cars were starting to park.

"Nice isn't it? I thought you were used to this, especially if you went to Itachiyama."

"No not really, I lived in a rural area, I just got accepted because of my how good my grades were. Plus the only big house I ever went to was Iizuna's." she said, feeling his hand slowly interlock with hers as he gave her an apologetic look.

"Are you uh ready to meet my family? They're a bit crazy..especially my tias.." she slowly nodded, crazy could mean different things so she was unsure which crazy it was. The two then walked down the cement path to the backyard as she was met with music she didn't quite understand.

"Kiyoomi you're here! Es tu novia?" a woman with blonde hair with a drink in her hand came up to the two as Y/n had a confused face, in the corner of her eye she could see Sakusa nod. "Mhm, Y/n this is my Tia Rosa."

"Hi! It's nice to meet you!" Y/n shook her hand, another group of women came up from behind Tia Rosa. "Your girlfriend is beautiful Kiyoomi!" a woman with black hair, a bit shorter than the others, held Y/n's hand. "Thank you, you are beautiful as well."

His aunts behind her all raised their eyebrows, giving him a teasing face but telling him that he did good. "Kotomi should be coming in an hour or two so why don't you start dancing with her?" they pushed the two towards the dance floor, having all eyes on them.

"Uh Sakusa..I don't know how to dance this.." Y/n whispered as she felt him move her arms around his neck while he placed his on her waist. They then realized the music changed. "They really had to put this song? Sorry but we're gonna be dancing here for five minutes."

He pushed her closer to her, making her head lean on his chest. "I'm guessing your mixed, Sakusa?" she felt him hum, nodding in the process. "Japanese and Mexican. You also don't have to call me by my last name Y/n."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Do you know this song?" she shook her head as the two slowly swayed to the music. "It's Selena's Dreaming of You song, my mom would put this song in the car and tell me to dance to this song with the woman I want to marry or at my wedding. We would sing until the end of the song." she glanced up at him, looking at the small smile on his face.

"You two were close weren't you..?"

"Yeah we were but I don't know what happened." he sighed as the song ended. "Kiyoomi you're not..done! You gotta dance some cumbia first!" he slowly turned to look at his already drunk tia. "Come on! You have to show everyone how good you are!" she hiccuped, pointing back to the dance floor, being careful not to drop her drink.

Sakusa grabbed Y/n's hand effortlessly, pointing to his feet. "Just follow my feet, you put one foot behind the other and the same with the other, then you just repeat it. I'll give you a heads up when i'm gonna spin you, alright?"

"Spin me?!" Sakusa laughed as he pointed to her hips. "Move your hips too, it helps with the movement." she slowly moved her hips, moving with the movement with the song. "You're actually getting it! I'm gonna spin you now." he quickly spun her around and again and again..and again until she was met with his face again.

"Sorry..got carried away." she tried holding her head up, getting back into the movement of the song. "It's fine—" the music stopped as they heard cheers, she quietly went behind Sakusa, nervously smiling at everyone, remembering that there was people looking at her. "Do you think I did well?"

"You did more than well if they're clapping for you Y/n."


𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 || 𝗸. 𝘀𝗮𝗸𝘂𝘀𝗮 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now