𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝖿𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Thank you for inviting us!"

"It's no problem, I wanted to get to know her boyfriend's family more!" M/n smiled at the family as she lead them to the living room. Y/n and Sakusa only glanced at each other, both eyeing their mothers hoping they wouldn't say something out of the ordinary.

"You're a few months too late L/n." Koemi said, looking around the house as of she was judging it. M/n had an irk mark on her forehead. "Well, I didn't know about my daughter's relationship with your son—"

"Maybe there's a reason why." Koemi stopped walking, looking at the family pictures that were hung up. "By the way, where is your husband? I assume you have one based on these pictures, right?" Koemi raised an eyebrow.

Sakusa saw Y/n's eyes widened, M/n stopped walking as well, turning around to face Koemi. "He's not here with us."

"On a business trip?"

"No, he is not here with us." M/n turned back around, walking into the living room. "Tea?" she offered as she set a few cups onto the the small table with coasters at the bottom. "No thank you."

"I wouldn't mind!" Kotomi smiled as M/n poured the tea in the cup, feeling Koemi's stare. She only glanced at her a few times. "Is there something you need? Obviously you can't get enough just by looking at me." M/n sarcastically said, rolling her eyes at Koemi as she passed the cup to Kotomi who was awkwardly standing in front if the two.

"Well obviously you don't love your daughter enough to even know she was in a relationship." Koemi sighed, crossing her arms as Kiyoshi and Kotomi looked over to Y/n who was walking away from the scene with Kiyoomi trailing behind her. "Who are you to tell me I don't love my daughter? I feel bad for your husband, he has to deal with a child in a woman's body." M/n scoffed as Kiyotoshi and the other two siblings tried getting Koemi to stop.

"I feel bad for your husband, dealing with someone like you would kill him—" they heard something crash, the sound of glass breaking from the hallway as they hurried over to see what is was. They stopped as they saw Y/n trying to pick up the pieces of glass, Kiyoomi was picking up the flowers that had fallen onto the floor as well. "Y/n what happened?" Kotomi asked, bending down to help but Y/n had put her hand up, showing the small cuts on her hand.

"I just accidentally tripped, no worries!" her hands were trembling, Sakusa had grabbed a few wet napkins, placing them on her hand. "Oh, are you sure?" she nodded, chuckling as she stood up. "I'll just go buy some more flowers but I think these were the last ones..These were B/n and Kimiko's favorite flowers, i'll be right back!" she quickly placed bandaids on her palm, grabbing her keys as she exited out the house, going inside her car, turning it on while she laid her head on the steering wheel.

Her cries were only heard inside the car, her tears were running down her face. Her breathing had become unsteady while her hands gripped the steering wheel.

She never liked being in this state.


"Now what would my princess like for dessert?"

"Ice cream and i'm not your princess anymore!"

"You still are to me Y/n!" he placed his arm around his daughter's shoulder, bringing her closer to him, smiling as he took a quick picture of her. "Aw come on! I didn't even look decent in that!" she tried grabbing his phone but he quickly placed it in his pocket.

"Too late! Now where's the nearest ice cream shop Y/n?"

"It's actually a block away, right at that corner." she pointed towards the small shop with an ice cream cone on the door. "Is that the one where we ate that "special magic ice cream" you made when you were seven?!"

"How do you still remember that? It's been years! Wanna try it again?" she suggested, smiling. "You bet, say if you win, i'll get you a pet."

"A pet? Why is that?" they came to a stop as cars were passing by. "So you won't feel lonely at home anymore, you know i'll do anything for you. I love you more than anything Y/n!" he brought her into a hug, ruffing her hair. "Yeah yeah I know you do." she laughed as they started to cross the street.

She couldn't make out the sound but there were three, she didn't pay much mind to it until she heard a cough. "Hey dad did you take your medicine—" she turned around, watching the car pass by with a man holding a gun out the window. Her eyes widened, looking over to her father who had fallen on to the floor just a few inches from her.

She had dropped to her knees, gasping for air. The screams were so loud for her ears, getting a headache while her hands hesitantly reached over to him. She wished for who ever was screaming to stop.

She didn't notice that she was being taken away from him, her eyesight becoming blurry, feeling something wet on her face. The screaming also stopped, now knowing who was screaming as her throat felt sore.  The sight of her father being put in an ambulance was all she remembered until she had passed out.

The next morning she was told that they had caught the person who did it, told her that his death was caused by someone who wanted revenge for putting them in jail. She had forgotten that he was a lawyer and that people had held grudges.




She looked up from the steering wheel, glancing around as she heard a knock coming from the window. She saw Sakusa standing there, looking at her with wide eyes as he quickly opened the door, bringing her into a tight hug. He had came to check on her, noticing the unstable look she had before she left the house.

"It's okay, i'm here Y/n, i'm here for you."


idk if i wanted to publish this chapter yet


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