𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗈𝗇𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Y/n?! Wake up and get ready for work!"

"Shhh Nana.."


"I'm up!" Y/n rolled off the bed, groaning as she had hit her head on the floor. "This is why I always tell you to stop getting off the bed like that Y/n.." Nana sighed.

"Lisa's coming soon to pick us up." Nana picked up a few of Y/n's work clothes, throwing it to her as she caught it. "Hopefully it isn't as busy as it was yesterday.."

"Yesterday was just the worse! Everyone was coughing, it made me feel so icky!" Nana complained before she left the room as Y/n laughed.

Y/n has been living with her for the past year, Nana said that they wanted to make sure that she could have a new start as they didn't mind her living with her as she saw Y/n as a little sister.

Also..to make sure that Y/n was doing better.

Y/n was happy, more even so excited because she thought of Nana as an older sister, one who had her back for anything, and she did. Nana was overly protective about a few things..like going on a date! But Y/n never went on dates so she didn't worry about that.

Lisa was there for comfort, she went over to give Y/n hugs, ones that Nana refused to give because— and they quote, "I'm not a touchy person with my friends!"

Y/n was thankful for Lisa and Nana, not knowing what she would do if they never came to her house that day.

Before Sakusa and Komori arrived to her house, which was an hour away from Sakusa's parents house, Nana and Lisa both came up with a plan for her to start over. Y/n was going to live with Nana, since she had more space, and Lisa was there to be— well Lisa. (To show comfort and help her way up)

It was sad to say that Nana..was in control of Y/n's phone calls, they were worried that M/n or anyone else was going to call her. But they didn't have to worry much as Lisa came up with the most brightest, intelligent idea.

"Why not just buy her a new phone?"


Was their conversation. And so Y/n bought a new phone, well more like traded it for a new one.

"Y/n get ready! We don't have all day!" Nana yelled through the hallway as Y/n stood up, taking her clothes to the bathroom as she was going to shower.

Y/n had finally settled down with two people who loved her more than anything and she loved them back. She knew Lisa since college and met Nana once she started working, the three were always close with each other ever since.

And during that year, Y/n's been gaining confidence, due to Nana telling her that she looked hot in everything she wore and she did. As blunt as Lisa is, she even told her that she would consider Y/n as a potential girlfriend which made Y/n not know whether it was a compliment or an insult.

"Y/n..stop running the water!"

"I'm not!"

Y/n was also happy that her mother hasn't called her or texted her, Nana and Lisa were celebrating each month that M/n hasn't tried to contact her. B/n tried to call her but she was still, heavily disappointed in him.

She even deleted all her socials and made new ones, only adding Lisa and Nana, making them feel special.

During that year, everyone wondered what happened between the two, Sakusa and Y/n. They even made accounts filled with theories. If Sakusa was to be ever seen in person, their first question to ask him was, "What happened between you and Y/n?"

As he deleted his pictures— saved them then deleted them.

He wouldn't answer as he himself didn't know what happened, he just knew she sort of ghosted him.

"Y/n! She's here!"

"I'm putting on my shoes don't worry!"

He didn't know where she went, why she wasn't answering her phone or why there was a sale sign on her house a few days later he went there with Komori.

His teammates asked what happened but he never gave them a full answer, just a "It's none of your business." Which it wasn't but they never seen him so grumpy? Mad? They couldn't tell what it was, all they knew was that they had broken up right after that party.

"Y/n, apparently we're having some famous people coming over to talk with a few of the patients." Lisa said as she started to drive into the city. "Are you serious?! On a Friday too? You know how many people are going to fake their injuries just to see them!" Nana complained, crossing their arms as she sighed.

"Hopefully they aren't famous famous..i'd rather take care of a coughing patient then to deal with them." Lisa said, parking in the parking lot before she turned off the car.

"Look there's a bus." Y/n pointed over to the side as a bus was there, there were people coming off of it.

"Is that..the Adlers and..fuck!"


okay i'll just publish this one then leave you guys on a cliffhanger for hours :) <3


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