𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Kiyoomi! Be careful, you don't want to catch a cold!"

"But I want to play!" he felt her mother placed her coat around his shoulders, the cold air flew a few leaves away, making Kiyoomi shiver. "Don't you want to keep playing?" he nodded, dropping the ball as she lead him inside.

"Then don't get sick, make sure you don't touch anything dirty, make sure your cautious, okay?" she handed him a cup of hot chocolate, putting a few marshmallows in it as he watched them melt.

"Okay." he gave his mother a smile.

He was seven when he started liking the sport, he loved it so much that even his cousin was a but worried for him whenever he asked to play. He loved it so much he started to isolate himself, he never went to birthday parties he was invited to, only when he was forced to.

It was a loving feeling that made him feel so lonely.

His family members noticed that he had stopped smiling, questioning his mother why. Why would a ten year old boy who seemed to have everything, stop smiling?

He took his mother's words to heart, if he truly wanted to keep playing, he'd have to be alone because everything else he perceived as dirty, and he didn't want to get dirty. But, whenever he played on the court, be never cared about the sweat on the ball or how the floor was dusty whenever he slid on it, because he loved it.

He hated being alone.

He watched his classmates talk with each other, sharing food, laughing, smiling with no fear. He had gotten so used to it that it didn't surprise him anymore, the feeling of being lonely was something he had remembered so clearly.

He hated his mother's words.

He came home after nationals, too tired to even speak as he walked right into his room. He legs were worn out while his palms were throbbing, too red, questioning if it was blood or if it was just irritated. His room door opened, revealing his mother.

"Kiyoomi, I thought you wanted to play? That didn't seem like playing to me?" she had crossed her arms, looking over to her son who was laying down on his bed, almost sleeping. "You're never going to get a girlfriend if you act like this— matter fact, don't even get one, all you do is play on that damn court anyways. You'll just stay alone like your sad excuse of a grandfather." he heard his door close with a loud slam, his eyes were close to closing, his breathing became slower as his body sunk into his bed.

"Why can't you just..love me again?"


Y/n woke up hearing someone trying to wake her up, she felt so cold, wrapping her own arms around her torso. "Y/n, you've been sleeping for a while, you alright?" she opened her eyes, looking at him as she nodded.

"Yeah, where's Kiyoomi?"

"He had to go somewhere, told us it was an emergency." B/n said while she stood up, looking at her family members who had started to come inside. "Oh okay. How long was I..sleeping?" she changed the subject, telling herself to call him later. "I'll say about two hours, you seemed really comfortable, I wanted to wake you up but uh what's their names.."

"Kiyoshi and Kotomi?"

"Yeah! They said to let you sleep. Heard Kiyoomi was sleeping as well, with you. Did anything happen?" he looked a bit worried as she shook her head, feeling her face heat up as she started to remember. "No, just tired."

"Alright, the food's still warm if you want some and since you really don't like being around anyone, I don't mind you going to your room to eat. I'll just tell mom that you don't feel well and you're going to sleep..again." he chuckled, grabbing a plate, going to put food on it but she quickly grabbed it.

"It's fine, I can serve myself.."

He only nodded, frowning a bit, feeling guilty as to why she always acted like this with him. "Well uh okay, i'll be outside with 'Miko. See you later." he gave a small wave, soon leaving her as she placed bits of food on her plate.

She started to walk away, passing by the window as she watched her family talk with each other, with B/n and Kimiko. She then walked up the stairs, leading into her room as she set the plate onto her drawer then walking towards her bed.

Her eyes started to close, her body was all in one place, feeling cold as she pulled the blanket on top of her, hugging her knees to get warmer. Her breathing became slower as her body started to sink into the bed.

"Did I do something..wrong to make you leave?"


𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 || 𝗸. 𝘀𝗮𝗸𝘂𝘀𝗮 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now