𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗅𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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She had came back inside, leaving her brother alone as she entered the living room. "Y/n you're back, I was just telling Sakusa here about-- where are you going?" her mother said, watching her pass by. "I'll be back." she grabbed her keys as Sakusa followed her outside as she got into her car. "Y/n, where are you going?" she poked her head out the window. "The cemetery. Wanna come?" Sakusa gave her an odd look but went inside the car with her.

She drove out the drive way, Sakusa felt the car go faster, getting a bit worried as she entered the highway. "Do you think you should be driving this fast?" she sighed, slowing down, mumbling a sorry. "Why'd you come?"

"Well uh because you asked..? You seemed a bit down, I didn't want you to be alone." she nodded, looking over to him, catching him staring. "Right, sorry." he waved his hands around, gesturing that it was okay. "No need. Did something happen?"

"Yeah, do you mind if I vent? You can say no."

"Go ahead." she sighed, taking a deep breath. "My mother, sh-she doesn't listen to what I say at all, ever since dad died, she's been nothing but a bitch to me and more of a loving mother to B/n! She says that she loves us the same but I don't feel like she does nor see it. All she does is reject everything I do, tell me to become like my brother. She doesn't even like the house I live in right now!"

"She doesn't even know why I chose that house and even if I did tell her, she'd say I'd was lying then rub in my face about how my brother's already getting married!" Sakusa reached for her hand, squeezing it while Y/n calmed down. "Why did you choose that house Y/n?" her eyes slightly widened, taking her eyes off the road for a bit to look at him. He noticed how her face softened but he could see the tears building up in her eyes.

"Because it was the house they wanted to live in but never got it. Dad would tell me that he planted a small seed in the backyard by accident and whenever he passed by a few years later he saw the tree grow. I remember her telling me that she always wanted to live in a house like that, small but enough space for family so I bought it because it was something they both shared, I bought it so one day they could live in it.." her eyes went back to the road as the cemetery came in to view.

"I bought it because I wished for a love like theirs." her grip on the steering wheel tightened as they entered the cemetery, she drove around the paths as they reached near a huge tree. She got out the car, getting the smalls flowers she had in the backseat as she placed it in a vase next to the grave. He only stood outside the car, wanting to respect her privacy, he heard her say a few words like, "Mom's doing it again," and "Did you see the flowers I gave you last time?"

She turned to him, gesturing for him to sit next to her, she then laid down on the grass, patting to the empty space next to her. "I think he would've liked you, especially since you play volleyball. He used to play in high school but I guess he didn't want to go pro, funny thing is, he was also an outside hitter too. You know he used to go to school with Suzako the--"

"The Alders coach." he said.

"Yeah, pretty sure they were friends. I guess that's how my parents met, my mom was a "cheerleader" you could say and he was the player, typical." she gave an airy chuckle. He glanced at how her expression slowly changed into something he couldn't quite read. "Dad would tell stories about how he would ask her out on a date everyday until she said yes..that feels a bit wrong but surprisingly it worked. Their first date was at an aquarium, the picture is in her room but she took down everything about him down.."

"It was a cute picture, they were both seventeen." she looked over to his grave, the flowers in the vase were flowing with the breeze of the wind while he saw her turn the other way, watching how her hands would reach up to her face. She felt his hands slowly reach up to her torso while he chest laid onto her back, feeling his head lay on her shoulder.

He was hugging her.

It only made her cry more, the comfort, he didn't criticize her, he didn't interrupt her, he didn't do anything wrong. It only made her heartbeat faster, she was crying and yet she felt so warm in such a cold place. "Thank you Sakusa.."

"Thank you..Y/n."


𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 || 𝗸. 𝘀𝗮𝗸𝘂𝘀𝗮 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now