𝖾𝗑𝗍𝗋𝖺 #𝗈𝗇𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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authors note:
as a thanks for 7k on this book <33
[chapter is 1414 words]
btw, quick question, would you guys
want me to publish the alternative endings or just extras??

"Emi! Where's your dad?"

"Afuera con Camila." ["Outside with Camila."] the three year old said, pointing over to the sliding door. Y/n had walked over to her, picking her up as she held Emi in her arms.

"Kiyoomi, our families coming over soon!" she said, looking at the two. He was holding her in the air as he was laying down. "Now?!" he said, quickly putting Camila down.

Emi was older as she was three years old and is the exact replication of Sakusa except she had Y/n's eye color and her skin tone. She had more of his personality than hers. Camila was eight months and was the exact copy of Y/n except she had his eye color and his skin tone. She also had more of Y/n's personality.

"Yes now! They're coming at the same time! Make sure the grill is ready!"

"It is!" he stood up, picking up Camila as he quickly went inside the house, putting her in her chair as he walked over to Emi as he placed a birthday hat on her.

"Happy birthday Emi." he smiled at her as she nodded. "Thank you." she said, placing a birthday hat on him. The doorbell rung, Y/n quickly walked over to the door, opening it as Kotomi was holding a big bag.

"Kotomi..she's three."

"Some of it are hers! Emi's and yours so don't worry!" she said, going to hug Y/n. "You should see Dad, I think he over did it." Kiyoshi said as he was holding more than five bags.

The two siblings loved the children more than anything. They didn't have their own as Kotomi didn't want any because she thought it was too much and rather take care of pets. Kiyoshi has a girlfriend! Hooray after how many years? Thirty. Kotomi made fun of him because of how long it took, constantly reminding him that he would still be single if he never met the girl.

Kiyoshi has been in the relationship for a few months, wanting to know the girl more until he could propose and have a kid with her. It was a long process but hopefully the next year was his year to finally get a wedding to complete the siblings that have been married.

"Where's Emi y Camila?" Kiyoshi said as Kiyoomi came in, walking with both if his children in his arms. Camila was reaching out for Kiyoshi, if she could speak she would say that Kiyoshi was her favorite. Emi was reaching out for Kotomi as she was her favorite.

"I said to help me with the gifts!" Kiyotoshi said, he loved spoiling the two girls as if they were his own children. He had found someone a bit after Y/n and Kiyoomi's wedding, that was three years ago. That someone is now his fiancé! The family "approved" of her after he introduced them to her.

Their wedding is in a few months!

Yes Kiyotoshi! Go show off your ring to Koemi and tell her how bad of a wife/mother she was‼️‼️🤣

It was just wedding after wedding but they all had each other so that was the good part.

"I thought you were joking when he said he over did it.." Kiyoomi said, shaking his head at how many gifts his dad got for his grandkids. "She's only turning three once and I had to get something for Camila as well." Kiyotoshi said as his fiancé, Akane Sano was holding a few gift bags as well.

"It's so nice to see you again Y/n!"

Akane was a mother figure for all of them. She was kind and sweet to them, Kotomi loved her especially as they shared the same taste, Kiyoshi loved Akane as he can finally say the jokes that he always wanted to. Kiyoomi was happy that his dad found someone who wasn't like his mother, he was also happy that he didn't have to push himself to fit someone else's expectations. Y/n loved her, she reminded her of how her dad was which made her sad in a way but she loved her. Y/n was relaxed at the thought of not trying to become something she didn't want to be.

"It's nice to see you too Akane!"

Akane loved them all as well, like they were her own children. She had two of her own, both were twins and almost the same age as them. They all got along with each other.

"Dad's setting up the grill right now, i'll get the meat ready!"

Their home was so bright and warm, many memories were made, Christmas, New Years and birthdays plus many more to come.

Both Y/n and Sakusa decided to live in her house. The two later on built a fence around the area, since the backyard was big, they also decided to build a pool as well as a small playground. The big tree that was planted in the corner of the backyard had a small carving in it, a heart with Y/n and Sakusa's initials, along with Emi's and Camila's.

"Is the cake here?!"

"We're here don't worry!" both Nana and Lisa came in holding the cake.

Nana was also married to her wife only a few months ago. She was the girl who Nana was talking about in that lunch room a few years ago. They were bold enough to go past the "you're so pretty!" stage which lead to a few dates to being their girlfriend to being married. Her name is Akira Nishimura.

"Kira's coming a bit late! She has to submit a paper then she's going back home to change then coming here!" Nana said as they placed the cake in the refrigerator. "Atsu is coming with his friends, which they should be coming in thirty minutes or so."

Did I mention that Lisa..actually started going out with Atsumu?! To her surprise after Y/n and Kiyoomi's wedding the two instantly clicked, Atsumu was no longer called the "annoying blonde" he was now her boyfriend. It sort of surprised Y/n and Nana a bit but they supported her.

"Oh yeah! B/n and Kimiko are coming soon as well! Hopefully they're here before they start cooking."

Y/n and B/n sort of made up, she still has a spot in her body where she hates him but she couldn't blame him. He didn't do anything but try to help so she let it go. The two's relationship got better over time, they were glad for it.

"We're here!" Bokuto, Hinata and Atsumu came in with presents in their hands. Atsumu kissed Lisa on the cheek as she blushed, telling him that he was embarrassing as he laughed, ruffling her hair. "Are they outside?" Hinata asked as he set the presents down.

"Mhm! As well as Emi and Camila!"

Y/n couldn't be more happier, to see the day where she had gotten married, have two kids and be surrounded by the ones who love her the most, she would've never expected it.

B/n and Kimiko came as well, everyone headed outside as they got the pool ready. Y/n had put Camila to sleep since she was already dozing off. Emi had worn those arm floaties before she went inside the pool. Those, she wore those as she sat on a donut, floating around the pool.

Y/n had gotten in the pool along with the others as the food was still cooking. Kiyoomi went next to her, pulling her close to him as he rested his forehead onto hers.

The two were living their happily ever after.

"Y/n..don't get mad at me."

"What'd you do Kiyoomi?"

"Maybe we should..I don't know..have another kid."


"Okay, okay." he chuckled as she smiled, his hands moved for her waist to her cheeks as he kissed her. They then felt water splash onto them, both laughing as they turned to Emi.

"No kissing!"

"Do you want to go to bed before you open your presents Emi?"

"No.." Emi moved the donut closer to her parents as she climbed onto her dad's back, resting her head on his shoulder. "You're so cute Emi."

"I know I am."

"You're three years old.."


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