𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗌𝗂𝗑 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"What just happened?"

"I think my dad's finally getting rid of her that's what happening."

"Oh eh uh congrats?"

"Now this deserves a celebration party, I don't know about you Y/n but I am chugging this bottle until it's done— wait sorry I should be more considerate—" he said, pointing to his wine cabinet, grabbing one but stopped as he looked at her.

"It's fine." she gave a smile as he shook his head. "It's been years since I drank— my brother's and your sister's wedding is an exception but I mean since I drank heavily. I don't mind people drinking around me." he nodded but he felt as if he still had to be careful, not wanting her to go through what happened in high school again.

"I'll tell my family members to not give you anything, they'll listen to me or Kiyoshi." he chuckled as she nodded. His phone was ringing as she passed it to him, getting a glimpse of the contact name as it was named "annoying teammate #3."


"Omi Ommmiiii!" she heard as he placed it on speaker, setting the phone down on the counter. "Please don't tell me you're with the other two.." Kiyoomi sighed as she laughed, his head shot up, looking at her as he quickly shook his head, repeatedly mouthing "no."

"Is your girlfriend there—" Sakusa hung up the phone. "Sorry.."

"It's fine— and he's calling again. Miya I swear—"

"Let me see her! I want to know why this pretty girl decides to date you instead of me!" Sakusa cringed at his words, shaking his head as Atsumu was face-timing him, both Hinata's and Bokuto's head peaking over Atsumu's shoulder.

"Move Sakusa!" he rolled his eyes, moving the phone over to Y/n as their jaws dropped. "I can't wait to meet you Y/n!" Hinata smiled, waving at her. "Me too! Sakusa, how'd you get such a pretty girl?!" Bokuto said, moving his head closer to the phone as Atsumu and Hinata pushed him off, both saying that they couldn't see Y/n.

"No we should ask Y/n why'd she even date him!"

"You said they're all single..?" Y/n whispered loudly enough for them to hear, teasing them as Sakusa nodded. "I'm not single!" the three all said at the same time as Sakusa and Y/n laughed.

"Then who are you dating? I love to meet them." Y/n smiled as they all gulped. "Well she's actually out of town—"

"How does she look like?" Y/n asked, getting her phone out. "We don't really take pictures—" Atsumu said but was interrupted as Y/n was looking through his following, his, Bokuto's and Hinata's eyes widening.

"Does she have instagram? I assume you must be following her—" Y/n said, teasing them even more as they gave up. "You're just like him!" Atsumu ended the phone call.

"They're painfully single and it shows."


His mother hasn't contacted since that day, not bothered to ask his siblings about him. He didn't care much as he was already tired of her bullshit since he was fifteen.

It was the day before Kiyoshi birthday party as Y/n and Sakusa were going shopping for clothes at the mall. They were stopped many times for pictures, they didn't mind but they also didn't have much time as some of the stores were about to clothes.

They entered one of the stores as he went to one side as she went to the other. "Is there something I can help you with?" one of the workers asked her. "I was looking for a dress— wait give me a second." Y/n walked over to Sakusa.

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 || 𝗸. 𝘀𝗮𝗸𝘂𝘀𝗮 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now