𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝖿𝗂𝗏𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"He's not answering."

"Emi, he's probably just sleeping."

"No he's with that girl—"

"Emi, why do you dislike her so much?" Kiyotoshi said as the two were standing outside their son's house. "Because she's— Oh Kiyoomi you— it's you, where's Kiyoomi?" Y/n had opened the door, looking as if she just woken up as her eyes widened.

"Sorry? What does that mean, it's you?"

"I obviously didn't want you opening the door, now where is he—"

"Koemi." her husband pulled her to the side. Y/n had went upstairs to go wake up Sakusa as he was still sleeping. "Kiyoomi, your parents are here." he lightly shoved a pillow in her face. "Kiyoomi.." she mumbled into the pillow as he chuckled, putting it to the side.

"Is she here?"

"Mhm." he groaned, shaking his head as he sat up, looking at her. "With Dad?" she nodded as she handed him his shirt. "Are they inside?" she shook her head. "Your dad went to talk to her..isn't it a bit late to be coming here? It's almost ten."

"It's probably about Kiyoshi's party." he got off the bed, walking down the stairs as she followed him, glancing over to his mother in the living room watching them. "I came here to just talk to you Kiyoomi—"

"We, I also came Koemi." she looked over to her husband. "Kiyotoshi—"


"Fine, she can stay." Koemi rolled her eyes, looking at Y/n then to her son. "My friend has this daughter and I would like for you to meet her—"

"We didn't talk about this Koemi." Kiyotoshi interrupted her while Y/n and Kiyoomi already predicted what she was going to say next. "She's coming your brother's party so you can meet her." Koemi stood up.

"And by the time you come home, you are to break up with." Koemi looked at Y/n up and down as she stood up. "Who ever you're dating right now."



"Are you kidding me?" Y/n said, almost raising her voice. "I'm not joking around—"

"Who do you think you are to just tell me to just break up with her? You have the audacity to come over here and tell me that shit? ¿Qué tipo de madre eres? Hm? Porque definitivamente no eres bueno."
["What type of mother are you?", "Cause you're definitely not a good one."]

Kiyoomi gave a look to his mother as she scoffed.

"Soy tu madre Kiyoomi Mateo Martinez-Sakusa. And you don't speak to me like that. ¿Qué intentas probar? You're still the same little boy from high school, the same one who yearns for attention—"
["I'm your mother.", "What are you trying to prove?"]

"Koemi, what has been going on with you lately?" Kiyotoshi stood up, grabbing his wife's hand. "You've been acting up ever since you found out he had a girlfriend, he's twenty three years old, he's an adult, he doesn't need your help anymore nor is he asking for it. He isn't the same boy from high school and he doesn't need you anymore Koemi."


"No more but's, we are tired of your excuses for him. Just leave him alone." Koemi had her eyes wide as she looked at her husband. "Kiyotoshi—"

"No, stop." Kiyotoshi looked over to his son and Y/n, giving them a small wave. "We'll be going now, i'll see you soon." Koemi and him walked out Kiyoomi's house, Koemi looked back at Kiyoomi and Y/n, the two had a shocked expression, turning back before the door closed.

"Koemi, why do you keep doing this..?"

"Doing what?"

"Messing up everything in this family." he gave her a pitiful look as they got into the car. "I can't keep doing this Koemi..i'm sorry but after this party, we're getting a divorce."

"Kiyotoshi—" he shook his head as he started to drive off.

"Don't even start.."


kiyotoshi + d/n = best dad's in this ff‼️‼️

koemi redemption arc?

nope ‼️🤣🤣🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️

m/n redemption arc?

nahhh ‼️‼️🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️🤣

also had to pull out the whole name because that shit scares me whenever my mom calls me by my whole name, shit makes my heart race


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