𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝗐𝗈 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Hey Y/n!"

"Oh hi Sato."

"Ready for lunch?" Y/n nodded as she stood up from the chair. "So how was your weekend? I saw your story, you and your boyfriend are so cute!" Sato smiled as they entered the lunch room. "Thank you."

"I never expected it!"

"Neither did I but it happened." Y/n felt her face heat up as Sato awed. "How was the wedding?" Sato asked as she started to eat her food, Y/n doing the same. "It was good. You know my grandfather? He gave me the key to my dad's room..i'm going there after work, I feel nervous cause I haven't been there, not even at all but I feel just a bit..uh what's the word?"

Sato chuckled. "Comfort?" Y/n nodded. "Yeah comfort, I wonder what he has in there." she lightly laughed, taking a sip of her drink. "Maybe it's just lawyer stuff, since he was a..you know, lawyer."

"Probably, maybe a few journals—"

"Hellooooo Y/n and Lisa!

"Hey Nana." the two said, waving at their co-worker who sat next to them. "Guys..I..I just had the best fucking water in my whole life. That shit was crisp and cold. Crisp and cold. I repeat, crisp and cold."

"Got it, crisp and cold. Nana, crisp and cold." Sato laughed, nodding while Y/n shook her head. "And I don't even know where I got it from— also I met this girl, she was so sweet! Pretty too!" Nana blushed, hiding their face a bit.

"I also got her number..yesterday right after work. I would've took a picture but I didn't want to seem like a creep but when I tell you she was sooo pretty, she was so pretty!" Nana smiled, taking a bite of their food as she looked over to Sato. "Lisa, have you found anyone?"

"Noo, kinda just want to focus on work for now then i'll decide if I want to date anyone." Sato answered. "Ah okay, speaking of dating, Ms. L/n here, when are you two getting married?" Nana nudged Y/n's shoulder. "Married?! It's a bit too soon—"

"You're right, kids? A mini you would be so cute! Imagine my godchild or children, walking around in their little pajamas!" Nana said. "Kids?! I don't know, we um haven't talked about that yet." Y/n mumbled, knowing they officially had gotten together only a few days ago.

"And house? Are you going to move out of yours?" Sato asked, standing up to throw her trash away. "I actually wouldn't mind moving..but I like the house I live in. He told me he actually liked it..so maybe if we do uh have children, he wouldn't mind living with me." they noticed Y/n's smile, small but it was there.

"And plus there's enough space to renovate if needed, we can even add a small playground in the backyard— I can even have my own garden that I wanted but never had the time for. I can also have those photo albums— why are you guys looking at me like that?" Y/n looked at her friends, both of them were giving genuine smiles.

"We never seen you smile like that..especially since what you told us about your..m*m." Nana said, drinking a bit of their water. "Mhm, you look more content and happier." Sato smiled at Y/n.

"I hope you two stay together, don't let anything get in the way, okay?"


Y/n knocked on her grandfather's door, hearing faint footsteps come closer as the door opened, revealing her grandfather in a blue apron as he held a tray of banana bread. "Just in time, the bread had just finished cooking! You can head to his room now, I don't mind." he let her in, giving her a hug.

"It's nice to see you again, after you left the house.. your mother went crazy..I don't even know how D/n put up with her but he did." he said before she left to go up stairs. His room was easy to find as his name was on the door, sort of like hers back at home. She placed the key in the hole, hearing the small click as she twisted it, opening the door wide.

The room was filled with boxes, some labeled clothes, toys and shoes. There was a desk filled with piles of paper, a book too. She walked closer to it, picking up the book as she noticed it was a photo album, she opened it carefully, making sure nothing was to fall out.

She looked at the old photos, most of them were from his high school years, some with her mother too. The next few pages were pictures of them and B/n, he was just born as M/n was still in the hospital bed. She noticed how many pictures there were with him, ones of his birthday, Christmas, Easter, even New Years.

It took her a long time to find hers, only to realize there weren't enough pages left.

She set the photo album down back onto the desk, noticing there was also another photo album, this time it was a bit small but it was thick. She had opened it quickly accidentally, a few of them falling out, bending over to pick them up.

It was her who were in the photos, her and her father. Just a few at the beach when she was younger, it seemed to be just the two of them as none were found of her mother and brother. She looked through the rest of the photo album, only seeing her and her father's faces in each of the pictures.

So that's what he meant when he said that he had something special to show her when she'd grow up.

"He always loved you Y/n, more than you would've thought."


"Yes Y/n?"

"Do you..love me?"

"More than anything."

"More than anything?"

"More than you can think Y/n."


• lisa sato is pansexual and goes by she/her!
• nana suzuki is lesbian and goes by she/they!
• also exams are finally over so i'll be publishing a bit more again :)


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